Reputation: 148
I've got the following function
where addToFavs is defined as addtoFavs(currencyCode: string)
I'm getting the error "Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'" as dataset.code could in theory be 'undefined'. I know I can work around it by adding ! at the end, but I feel like it's kind of messy. I tried adding
if ((<HTMLElement>event.currentTarget).dataset.code == undefined) {
throw Error('Code not set to details fav button')
but it doesn't stop the error. Is there any way around it besides defining currencyCode as string|undefined?
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Views: 4221
Reputation: 7891
Before invoking the function, you can check the existence of specific data
const code = event.currentTarget?.dataset?.code;
if (code) {
Upvotes: 1