Reputation: 1157
I'm learning Haskell from "LYAH" and got to the State monad. As an exercise I'm working on implementing a simple "virtual cpu". The state monad seems like a good fit for this but I can't figure out how to use it. Here's a very stripped down example of what I have at the moment (without the state monad):
data Instruction = Incr | Decr | Halt
data Computer = Computer { program :: [Instruction],
acc :: Int,
pc :: Int,
halted :: Bool
main = do
let comp = Computer { program = [Incr, Decr, Incr, Incr, Halt]
, acc = 0
, pc = 0
, halted = False
execute comp
execute :: Computer -> IO ()
execute comp = do
let (output, comp') = step comp
putStrLn output
case halted comp' of
False -> execute comp'
True -> return ()
step :: Computer -> (String, Computer)
step comp = let inst = program comp !! pc comp
in case inst of
Decr -> let comp' = comp{ acc = acc comp - 1,
pc = pc comp + 1 }
output = "Increment:" ++
" A = " ++ (show $ acc comp') ++
" PC = " ++ (show $ pc comp')
in (output, comp')
Incr -> let comp' = comp{ acc = acc comp + 1,
pc = pc comp + 1 }
output = "Decrement:" ++
" A = " ++ (show $ acc comp') ++
" PC = " ++ (show $ pc comp')
in (output, comp')
Halt -> let comp' = comp{halted = True}
output = "HALT"
in (output, comp')
My step
function looks like the state monad but I can't see how to use it here. Would it be applicable? Would it simplify this code, or is this example better as it is?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 140
Reputation: 120751
Absolutely. step
can be translated quite mechanically:
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
step :: State Computer String
step = do
comp <- get
case program comp !! pc comp of
Decr -> do
let comp' = comp { acc = acc comp - 1
, pc = pc comp + 1 }
put comp'
return $ "Increment:"
++ " A = " ++ (show $ acc comp')
++ " PC = " ++ (show $ pc comp')
Incr -> do
let comp' = comp { acc = acc comp + 1
, pc = pc comp + 1 }
put comp'
return $ "Decrement:"
++ " A = " ++ (show $ acc comp')
++ " PC = " ++ (show $ pc comp')
Halt -> do
put $ comp{halted = True}
return "HALT"
(These let comp' = ...
are still a bit awkward. It could be made more imperative-like by using state field-modifiers from the lens
You may notice that State
is actually just a specialization of the StateT
transformer, and none of the functions I used is specific to this. I.e. you can straight away generalize the signature to
step :: Monad m => StateT Computer m String
That turns out to come in handy for execute
, because there you intersperse the state modifications with IO
side effects – exactly the kind of thing a transformer is for.
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
execute :: StateT Computer IO ()
execute = do
output <- step
liftIO $ putStrLn output
comp <- get
case halted comp of
False -> execute
True -> return ()
Finally, in main
you just need
main = do
let comp = ...
evalStatT execute comp
Upvotes: 7