Ankur Bhutani
Ankur Bhutani

Reputation: 3219

find average daily balance for the last 1 year for an account where no rows exists for dates in between

Account table details are as below:

AcctNbr BalAmt BalChgDate
111     50      04/01/2021
111     70     05/01/2021
111     100     06/01/2021
111     40     07/01/2021
111     30     07/07/2021

I can find the average daily balance by finding the ending balance for each day like below:

AcctNbr BalAmt BalChgDate
111     50      04/01/2021
111     50      04/02/2021
111     50      04/03/2021
111     50      04/30/2021
111     70     05/01/2021
111     70      05/02/2021
111     70      05/31/2021
111     100     06/01/2021
111     40     07/01/2021
111     30     07/07/2021

I am thinking of using connect by to get all the 365 days in a subquery and then making a left join of this subquery with above table. Then after this I am not able to figure how to use window function to get the average daily balance

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Views: 94

Answers (2)


Reputation: 168212

You can use:

WITH date_range (start_date, end_date) AS (
  SELECT DATE '2021-04-01', ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2021-04-01', 12) FROM DUAL
balances_within_range (acctnbr, balamt, balchgdate, range_end) AS (
  -- Prior value
  SELECT acctnbr,
         COALESCE(MAX(balamt) KEEP (DENSE_RANK LAST ORDER BY t.balchgdate), 0),
  FROM   table_name t
         INNER JOIN date_range d
         ON (t.balchgdate <= d.start_date)
  GROUP BY t.acctnbr, d.start_date, d.end_date
  -- Changes within range
  SELECT acctnbr,
  FROM   table_name t
         INNER JOIN date_range d
         ON (d.start_date <= t.BalChgDate AND t.BalChgDate < d.end_date)
balance_ranges (acctnbr, balamt, balchgdate, nextchgdate) AS (
  SELECT AcctNbr,
         LEAD(BalChgDate, 1, range_end)
           OVER (PARTITION BY AcctNbr ORDER BY BalChgDate)
  FROM   balances_within_range
SELECT acctnbr,
         SUM(balamt * (nextchgdate - balchgdate))
           / SUM(nextchgdate - balchgdate),
       ) AS avg_daily_balance
FROM   balance_ranges
GROUP BY acctnbr

Which, for the sample data:

CREATE TABLE table_name (AcctNbr, BalAmt, BalChgDate) AS
SELECT 111,  50, DATE '2021-04-01' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 111,  70, DATE '2021-05-01' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 111, 100, DATE '2021-06-01' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 111,  40, DATE '2021-07-01' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 111,  30, DATE '2021-07-07' FROM DUAL;


111 40.96

db<>fiddle here

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2746

Didn't quite got the daily calc for July month where amount gets changed. Below is based on last value for a day in a given month within a year.


with date_cte (balance_dt) as 
select to_date('01-JAN-2021','DD-MON-YYYY') + level-1 from dual connect by level<366
), acct_bal_cte(AcctNbr,BalAmt,BalChgDate) as
select 111,50,to_date('04/01/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual union all
select 111,70,to_date('05/01/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual union all
select 111,100,to_date('06/01/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual union all
select 111,40,to_date('07/01/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual union all
select 111,30,to_date('07/07/2021','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual
), rn_cte as 
select a.*, row_number() over (partition by extract(month from a.BalChgDate) 
    order by a.BalChgDate) rn from acct_bal_cte a), cte_a as
select b.balance_dt balance_dt, a.rn from  rn_cte a, date_cte b
where extract(month from a.BalChgDate) = extract(month from b.balance_dt)
and extract(day from a.BalChgDate) <= extract(day from b.balance_dt)
), cte_b as
select balance_dt, max(rn) rn from cte_a group by balance_dt order by rn,balance_dt
select a.AcctNbr,a.BalAmt,b.balance_dt from rn_cte a, cte_b b
where extract(month from a.BalChgDate) = extract(month from b.balance_dt)
and a.rn = b.rn
order by b.balance_dt

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