Reputation: 1
I have an EXT form that opens a window containing an GridPanel where the data store needs to get updated each time the form is submitted. The grid displays a list of files that are uploaded from the client computer. All of this works fine until I close the window and select a different group of files. The problem I am having is when the window containing the grid is closed and then re-opened, it is displaying the first set of files loaded previously instead of the new list of files submitted from the form. Hopefully this makes sense.
I have tried grid.getView().refresh() but that doesn't update the grid. Below is my code for the window, form, grid, and JSON store. If anyone has seen this before I would sure appreciate some advice. (apologies for the code formatting...had a lot of trouble getting it to be readable this text box)
//window that holds grid
SPST.window.POGCheckInWindow = Ext.extend(SPST.window.WindowBaseCls, {
id: 'POGCheckInWindow'
,initComponent:function() {
var config = {
title: 'Check In POG Files'
,width : 1000
,height : 500
,maximizable: false
,shadow : false
,closeable: true
,closeAction: 'hide'
,items: [{
xtype : 'checkin_results_grid'
,id : 'POGCheckInGrid'
,height : 450
,width : 990
,frame : true }
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
SPST.window.POGCheckInWindow.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
//function to submit the form, load the store and open the window containing the gridpanel
checkin:function() {
if (this.getForm().isValid()){
url: 'components/POG.cfc?method=uploadPOGTemp' + '&dsn=' + SPST_dsn
,method: 'GET'
,success: function(form, action){
var chkinwin = new SPST.window.POGCheckInWindow();
Ext.getCmp('POGCheckInGrid').getStore().load({params: {dsn: SPST_dsn,
pogfiles: action.result.pogfiles, project_id: action.result.project_id}
,callback: function(rec, options, success){
,waitMsg:'Uploading files...'
// create the data store for grid
var chkstore = new{
// JsonReader configuration
root : 'jsonlist'
,fields : chkfields
,id : 'chkstoreid'
// JsonStore configuration
,autoLoad : true
,remoteSort : true
,autoDestroy: true
,sortInfo: {
field: 'POGNAME',
direction: 'ASC'
,url : 'components/POG.cfc?method=getPOGTempFiles' + '&dsn=' + SPST_dsn
//grid that loads inside ext window
SPST.grid.POGCheckInGrid = Ext.extend(SPST.grid.GridPanelBaseCls, {
view: new Ext.grid.GridView({
getRowClass: function(rec, idx, rowPrms, ds)
return === 'INVALID VERSION#' ? 'invalid-cls' : '';
initComponent : function() {
var config = {
colModel : chkcolModel
,selModel : chkselModel
,store : chkstore
,autoDestroy: true
,xtype : 'checkin_results_grid'
,buttons: [
text: 'Upload'
,handler: this.loadPOGCheckin
,scope : this
text: 'Cancel'
,handler: this.checkinwindowclose
,scope : this
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));
SPST.grid.POGCheckInGrid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);
,onRender : function() {
SPST.grid.POGCheckInGrid.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2734
Reputation: 15129
From what I understood, you don't need to only refresh
the view, but also reload
the store
according to the different set of files that you selected..
So, instead of doing
use grid.getStore().reload([new-options-if-required]);
.. This will reload the store according to the options passed, if any, or reload the store according to the last load options.
Upvotes: 2