Mariya Susnerwala
Mariya Susnerwala

Reputation: 11

Disable multiple logic apps across different Resource Groups

I have a use case where I want to disable the old Logic Apps that our company is no longer using. All the Logic App are present in different environments and needs to disabled from all, ex: dev, sit, uat, prod. Rather than going to different RGs and disabling them one by one I am trying to develop a script which takes the portion of the Logic App name and disables it across all the resource group.

I was following this article but it shows how to disable multiple logic apps under one resource group and not what I am trying to achieve. [][1]

I tried making some changes in the script to solve my use case but not sure how to test it and make necessary adjustments. I am very new to Logic Apps and would appreciate if anyone can help me with this.

I have added the displayName parameter so that that particular logic app is disabled and not all under the resource group. But I am not sure how to move forward.

# This script disables or enables all Logic apps under given resource group
# ./DisableEnable-LogicApps.ps1 "FC-CUS-DEV-INT-RG" "Disabled"
# Parameters are resourceGroupName and Disabled | Enabled

param([string] $displayName, [string] $state)

function ChangeLogicAppState([string] $logicAppName, [string] $resourceGroupName, [string] $desiredState, [string] $displayName)
    Write-Host 'Checking logic app ' $logicAppName

    $logicApp = Get-AzLogicApp -displayName $displayName -Name $logicAppName
    Write-Host ($logicApp | Format-List | Out-String)
    $apiOperation = 'unknown'
    if($desiredState -eq 'Enabled')
        $apiOperation = 'enable'    
    elseif($desiredState -eq 'Disabled')
        $apiOperation = 'disable'
    if($logicApp -eq $null)
        Write-Host 'Logic App does not exist: ' $logicAppName
        Write-Host 'Logic App does exist: ' $logicAppName

        $currentState = $logicApp.State.ToLower()        
        if($currentState -eq $desiredState.ToLower())
            Write-Host 'Logic App ' $logicApp.Name ' is already in the desired state'
            $url = '' + $logicApp.Id + '/' + $apiOperation + '?api-version=2016-06-01'
            $response = az rest --method post --uri $url 
            Write-Host 'Logic App Changed'

            $logicApp = Get-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $logicAppName
            Write-Host ($logicApp | Format-List | Out-String)

Write-Host '================================='
Write-Host 'Starting the script to: ' $state
Write-Host '*********************************'

#Declare variables
$Total = 0
$Changed = 0
$Unchanged = 0

#Get each logic app in loop
Write-Host 'Looping logic apps in Resource Group: ' $resourcegroupName
Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Logic/workflows" -ResourceGroupName $resourcegroupName | ForEach-Object {
ChangeLogicAppState -logicAppName $_.Name -desiredState $state  -resourceGroupName $resourcegroupName


Write-Host 'Summary:'
Write-Host '#################################'
Write-Host 'Total:' $Total ' Changed:' $Changed  ' Unchanged:' $Unchanged
Write-Host '#################################'

Write-Host '*********************************'
Write-Host 'Ending the script.'
Write-Host '================================='

Upvotes: 1

Views: 680

Answers (2)


Reputation: 421

You can enable/disable it from the Azure portal as shown below, enter image description here

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1046

Okay so most of the function within your script is redundant since the functionality is already present within Set-AzLogicApp already.

Below is the basic usage of Set-AzLogicApp

Set-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName $rg -Name $logicAppName -State Disabled

Get-AzLogicApp Name Filtering

Unfortunately Get-AzLogicApp doesn't allow you to filter for all logic apps by a particular name as it requires you to pass the mandatory resourceGroup and Name parameters.

What you can do though is utilise Get-AzResource cmdlet which does allow wildcard search of resources.

Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows' -ResourceName testlog*

You can then use the output to disable the logic apps based on a displayName filter.

The below script has been simplified from the example you were looking at earlier by using the cmdlets from the Az.LogicApp module

param (
    [ValidateSet('Enabled', 'Disabled')]

# This will return all logic apps that start with the name testlog*
$logicApp = Get-AzResource -ResourceType 'Microsoft.Logic/workflows' -ResourceName $displayName*

# Loop through all returned logic apps and set the state
foreach ($app in $logicApp) {
    'Attempting to update state of: {0}' -f $app.Name
    Set-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName $app.ResourceGroupName -Name $app.Name -State $State -Force

I would normally have just used the pipeline and done something like

$logicApp | Set-AzLogicApp -State Disabled

However this doesn't appear to work on the latest version of the module as Name parameter does not take pipeline input.

I raised an issue on the Azure PowerShell repo to see if that could be fixed in a future release:

Upvotes: 0

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