Reputation: 693
I'm a beginner user of Google OR-Tools, especially the CP-SAT. I'm using version 9.3, and I'm interested in the C++ version.
I'm modeling a problem where I need to count how many pairs of decision variables have the same (assigned) value. So, let's suppose I have a set of integer variables like this:
std::vector<IntVar> my_vars;
I also have a set of pairs like this:
std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> my_pairs;
Assume that all bounds are valid, size, etc, are valid. Now, I want to compute how many of these pairs have the same value. Using IBM Ilog Concert, I can do it very straightforward using:
// Using Ilog Concert technology.
IloIntVar count(env, 0, MY_UPPER_BOUND);
IloIntExpr expr_count(env);
for(const auto& [u, v] : my_pairs) {
expr_count += (my_vars[u] == my_vars[v]);
model.add(count == expr_count);
Here, count
is a decision variable that holds how many pairs have the same value in a given solution. The expression is a sum of boolean values comparing the actual decision variable's values, not the variable objects themselves (i.e., is the object representing variable u
is the same object representing variable v
Using OR-Tools, the equality operator ==
, compares whether the variable objects (or representation of them) are equal, not the decision variable values. So, the following fails by generating an empty expression:
// Using Google Or-Tools CP-SAT.
IntVar count = cp_model
.NewIntVar(Domain(0, my_pairs.size()))
LinearExpr expr_count;
for(const auto& [u, v] : my_pairs) {
expr_count += (my_vars[u] == my_vars[v]);
cp_model.AddEquality(count, expr_count);
Note that, according to Google OR-Tools code (here), we have that:
class IntVar {
bool operator==(const IntVar& other) const {
return other.builder_ == builder_ && other.index_ == index_;
i.e., comparing if the variables are the same, but not the value assigned to them. Therefore, we cannot compare decision variables directly using CP-SAT, and we need to recur to another method.
Obviously, I can change the model using some big-M notation and linearize such expressions. However, can I do count without to recur to "remodeling"? I.e., is there a construct I can use "more or less" easily so that I address such cases?
I must mention while I only depict one case here, I have quite a few counting variables of several sets like that. So, remodeling using big-M will be a big headache. I would prefer a simpler and straightforward approach like Ilog Concert.
Now, I want do the same but comparing decision variables with scalars. For example:
std::vector<int> my_scalars;
for(size_t i = 0; i < my_scalars.size(); ++i) {
expr_count += (my_vars[i] == my_scalars[i]);
While this can be done using Ilog, it even did not compile on OR-Tools.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 325
Reputation: 693
With help of @sascha and @Laurent, my solution is this one:
vector<BoolVar> is_equal;
for(const auto& [u, v] : my_pairs) {
.AddEquality(my_vars[u], my_vars[v])
.AddNotEqual(my_vars[u], my_vars[v])
cp_model.AddEquality(LinearExpr::Sum(is_equal), count);
It is the same as @Laurent in the very end, but I save the boolean vars for late use.
For scalars, it looks like I don't need to make a constant, just compare directly with the expression.
Thanks, @Laurent and @sascha. You guys were very helpful.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11064
here is a tentative code:
IntVar count = model.NewIntVar(0, MY_UPPER_BOUND);
LinearExpr expr_count;
for(const auto& [u, v] : my_pairs) {
BoolVar is_equal = model.NewBoolVar();
model.AddEquality(my_vars[u], my_vars[v]).OnlyEnforceIf(is_equal);
model.AddNotEqual(my_vars[u], my_vars[v]).OnlyEnforceIf(is_equal.Not());
expr_count += is_equal;
model.AddEquality(expr_count, count);
Upvotes: 1