Reputation: 5907
I am trying to find out if certain patterns appear within a data frame.
Suppose I have the following "dictionary of patterns" (notice "james" vs "jamesj"):
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")
The actual data frame ("date_frame") I have looks like this:
id names
1 1 johnjack jameS
2 2 john/james, jasonjames
3 3 peter_jackjason
4 4 jamesjasonj jack
5 5 jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter
The final result I am trying to produce should look like this:
id names
1 1 john, jack, james
2 2 john, james, jason, james
3 3 peter, jack, jason
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter
I tried looking at this post here (R: insert comma after each element from the output) and tried the answer provided there:
> data_frame$parsed_names = dput(data_frame$names)
id names parsed_names
1 1 john, jack, james john, jack, james
2 2 john, james, jason, james john, james, jason, james
3 3 peter, jack, jason peter, jack, jason
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack jamesj, asonj, jack
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter
But this is not corresponding to what I wanted.
I then tried this post over here (insert commas in text string after certain words in r) and tried the answer provided there:
data_frame$parsed_names = gsubfn("\\w+", as.list(setNames(paste0(patterns, ","), patterns)),
id names parsed_names
1 1 john, jack, james john,, jack,, james,
2 2 john, james, jason, james john,, james,, jason,, james,
3 3 peter, jack, jason peter, jack,, jason,
4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack jamesj,, asonj, jack,
5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter jamesj,, jason,, john,, jason,, john, , jason,, jack,, sam , peter
Thank you!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 458
Reputation: 415
It is unclear what rules you are supposed to follow to generate the final output since there seems to be a lot going on.
Here's is what I assumed which are the rules I coded into the regular expressions
and the patterns they are replaced with (..let me know if I'm wrong)
after matched words if they occur immediately before any alphabet using regex "jack(?=[:alpha:])"
(This is for the words in the middle of the text, followed by other words),
with a ,
using regex '(?!,)[:punct:]'
(a special negative lookahead like regular expression pulled off from source),
before spaces in between words, so
that are sandwiched between alphabets using regex '(?<=[:alpha:]) (?=[:alpha:])'
by ignoring the james
followed by a j
using regex 'james(?!j)(?=[:alpha:])'
These regex are paired with their replacement texts in a named vector and passed into str_replace_all
to do the substitutions.
I like the named vector approach to text substitution because you can print the vector and see at a glance what is going to be replaced with what.
Here's the full code as a reproducible example-
# Load the data frame
# Thanks to @Mael for the code
.df <- tribble(
~id, ~names,
1, "johnjack jameS",
2, "john/james, jasonjames",
3, "peter_jackjason",
4, "jamesjasonj jack",
5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"
# Load the pattern to place commas after;
# Note jamesj comes before james, which is a sub-pattern of (james)j
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason")
# Create a named vector for the string substitutions, format : c('regex pattern' = 'replacement', ..)
sub_pattern <- setNames(object = paste0(patterns, ', '), # append comma and space
nm = paste0(patterns, '(?=[:alpha:])')) # for words occurring immediately before any alphabet
# Address james and jamesj double matching
names(sub_pattern) <-
'james(?!j).*', # replace the james matcher with
'james(?!j)(?=[:alpha:])') # ensures james is not followed by a j
# additional substitutions
sub_pattern <- append(sub_pattern,
c('(?!,)[:punct:]' = ', ', # replace non comma punctuations with a comma and space
'(?<=[:alpha:]) (?=[:alpha:])' = ', ')) # insert comma for spaces between words
# '[:space:],' = ',' # remove spaces before comma if needed
# Perform the string substitutions to the names column
newdf <- mutate(.df, names_with_comma = str_replace_all(tolower(names), sub_pattern))
# converting all the text to lower case (for the S in first column, if that's not a typo..)
#> [1] "john, jack, james"
#> [2] "john, james, jason, james"
#> [3] "peter, jack, jason"
#> [4] "jamesj, asonj, jack"
#> [5] "jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam , peter"
Created on 2022-05-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
And full credits to my eternal regular expression support from the StringR cheatsheet and thanks to @Maël for the code for the data frame
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1211
You can use crossing()
from tidyr
in combination with str_detect()
from stringr
to find each of the patterns by id.
names_from_pattern <- data_frame|> tidyr::crossing(patterns) %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(names, patterns))|>
dplyr::select(id, "names" = patterns)
Then find all other names not in the pattern
find.string <- paste(patterns, collapse = "|") #e.g. 'or' separated
other_names <- tibble(id = data_frame$id, other_names = gsub(find.string, replacement = " ", x = data_frame$names)) %>%
tidytext::unnest_tokens(., input = other_names, output = names)
# removes remaining non-letters (e.g "peter", not "peter_")
other_names$names<- gsub("[^a-z]","",other_names$names)
RBind names from the pattern with other all names
df<- rbind(names_from_pattern, other_names)
Then to format the output to your specification, use dplyr's pivot_wider()
in combination with unite()
from tidyr
df <- df |>
pivot_wider(id_cols = id, names_from = names, values_from = names) %>%
unite(.,col='names', 2:length(.), sep=', ', na.rm = TRUE)
# A tibble: 5 x 2
id names
<int> <chr>
1 1 jack, james, john
2 2 james, john, jason
3 3 jack, jason, peter
4 4 jack, james, jason, jamesj, asonj
5 5 jack, james, john, jason, jamesj, peter, sam
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 39667
between the patterns
and compare it with the tolower
and on match add
on both sides of the match using gsub
Replace /_, -
with ,
using gsub
where whitespace is ,
data_frame$names <-
trimws( gsub("[/_, -]+", ", ",
gsub( paste0("(", paste(patterns, collapse="|"), ")"), " \\1 ",
tolower(data_frame$names) )
, whitespace = ", ")
# id names
#1 1 john, jack, james
#2 2 john, james, jason, james
#3 3 peter, jack, jason
#4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
#5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")
data_frame <- data.frame(id=1:5, names = c("johnjack jameS",
"john/james, jasonjames", "peter_jackjason", "jamesjasonj jack",
"jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"))
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7540
Updated to retain whole names not in the pattern:
data_frame <- tribble(
~id, ~names,
1, "johnjack jameS",
2, "john/james, jasonjames",
3, "peter_jackjason",
4, "jamesjasonj jack",
5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason")
data_frame |>
mutate(names = map_chr(names, ~ str_to_lower(.) |>
str_extract_all(str_c(c(patterns, "[a-z]{3,10}"), collapse = "|")) |>
unlist() |>
stringi::stri_remove_empty() |>
str_c(collapse = ", "))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> id names
#> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 1 john, jack, james
#> 2 2 john, james, jason, james
#> 3 3 peter, jack, jason
#> 4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
#> 5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter
Created on 2022-05-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 52024
Here's a somewhat ad-hoc answer but it meets your requirements (no change in the patterns
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")
data_frame %>%
separate_rows(names) %>%
mutate(name = str_split(tolower(names), paste0("(?<=(", paste0(patterns, collapse = "|"), "))"))) %>%
unnest(name) %>%
filter(nzchar(name)) %>%
group_by(j = cumsum(!(name == "j"))) %>%
summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ""),
id = unique(id)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
summarise(name = toString(name))
## A tibble: 5 × 2
# id name
# <dbl> <chr>
#1 1 john, jack, james
#2 2 john, james, jason, james
#3 3 peter, jack, jason
#4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
#5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter
Previous answer:
Adding the other possible names in the patterns vector, and reordering the vector so that jamesj
is preferred over james
, you can then use str_extract_all
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason", "asonj", "peter", "sam")
patterns <- patterns[order(nchar(patterns), decreasing = T)]
data_frame %>%
mutate(names = lapply(str_extract_all(tolower(names), paste(patterns, collapse = "|")), toString))
# id names
#1 1 john, jack, james
#2 2 john, james, jason, james
#3 3 peter, jack, jason
#4 4 jamesj, asonj, jack
#5 5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter
data_frame <- tribble(
~id, ~names,
1, "johnjack jameS",
2, "john/james, jasonjames",
3, "peter_jackjason",
4, "jamesjasonj jack",
5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"
Upvotes: 4