
Reputation: 5907

Placing Commas Between Names

I am trying to find out if certain patterns appear within a data frame.

Suppose I have the following "dictionary of patterns" (notice "james" vs "jamesj"):

patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")

The actual data frame ("date_frame") I have looks like this:

  id                                              names
1  1                                     johnjack jameS
2  2                             john/james, jasonjames
3  3                                    peter_jackjason
4  4                                   jamesjasonj jack
5  5 jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter

The final result I am trying to produce should look like this:

  id                                                         names
1  1                                             john, jack, james
2  2                                     john, james, jason, james
3  3                                            peter, jack, jason
4  4                                          jamesj, asonj,  jack
5  5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack,  sam ,  peter

I tried looking at this post here (R: insert comma after each element from the output) and tried the answer provided there:

> data_frame$parsed_names = dput(data_frame$names)

  id                                                         names                                                  parsed_names
1  1                                             john, jack, james                                             john, jack, james
2  2                                     john, james, jason, james                                     john, james, jason, james
3  3                                            peter, jack, jason                                            peter, jack, jason
4  4                                          jamesj, asonj,  jack                                          jamesj, asonj,  jack
5  5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack,  sam ,  peter jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack,  sam ,  peter

But this is not corresponding to what I wanted.

I then tried this post over here (insert commas in text string after certain words in r) and tried the answer provided there:


data_frame$parsed_names = gsubfn("\\w+", as.list(setNames(paste0(patterns, ","), patterns)), 

  id                                                         names                                                         parsed_names
1  1                                             john, jack, james     john,, jack,, james,                                            
2  2                                     john, james, jason, james    john,, james,, jason,, james,                                    
3  3                                            peter, jack, jason      peter, jack,, jason,                                           
4  4                                          jamesj, asonj,  jack      jamesj,, asonj,  jack,                                         
5  5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack,  sam ,  peter jamesj,, jason,, john,, jason,, john, , jason,, jack,,  sam ,  peter

Thank you!

Upvotes: 3

Views: 458

Answers (5)

Prashant Bharadwaj
Prashant Bharadwaj

Reputation: 415

It is unclear what rules you are supposed to follow to generate the final output since there seems to be a lot going on.

Here's is what I assumed which are the rules I coded into the regular expressions and the patterns they are replaced with (..let me know if I'm wrong)

  1. Add a , after matched words if they occur immediately before any alphabet using regex "jack(?=[:alpha:])" (This is for the words in the middle of the text, followed by other words)
  2. Replace special characters other than a , with a , using regex '(?!,)[:punct:]' (a special negative lookahead like regular expression pulled off from source)
  3. Add a , before spaces in between words, so that are sandwiched between alphabets using regex '(?<=[:alpha:]) (?=[:alpha:])'
  4. Account for the jamesj by ignoring the james followed by a j using regex 'james(?!j)(?=[:alpha:])'

These regex are paired with their replacement texts in a named vector and passed into str_replace_all to do the substitutions.

I like the named vector approach to text substitution because you can print the vector and see at a glance what is going to be replaced with what.

Here's the full code as a reproducible example-


# Load the data frame
# Thanks to @Mael for the code
.df <- tribble( 
  ~id, ~names,
  1, "johnjack jameS",
  2, "john/james, jasonjames",
  3, "peter_jackjason",
  4, "jamesjasonj jack",
  5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"

# Load the pattern to place commas after; 
# Note jamesj comes before james, which is a sub-pattern of (james)j 
patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason")

# Create a named vector for the string substitutions, format :  c('regex pattern' = 'replacement', ..)
sub_pattern <- setNames(object = paste0(patterns, ', '), # append comma and space
                        nm = paste0(patterns, '(?=[:alpha:])')) # for words occurring immediately before any alphabet

# Address james and jamesj double matching
names(sub_pattern) <- 
              'james(?!j).*', # replace the james matcher with
              'james(?!j)(?=[:alpha:])') # ensures james is not followed by a j 

# additional substitutions                        
sub_pattern <- append(sub_pattern,
                      c('(?!,)[:punct:]' = ', ', # replace non comma punctuations with a comma and space
                        '(?<=[:alpha:]) (?=[:alpha:])' = ', ')) # insert comma for spaces between words
                        # '[:space:],' = ',' # remove spaces before comma if needed

# Perform the string substitutions to the names column
newdf <- mutate(.df, names_with_comma = str_replace_all(tolower(names), sub_pattern))
# converting all the text to lower case (for the S in first column, if that's not a typo..)

#> [1] "john, jack, james"                                           
#> [2] "john, james, jason, james"                                   
#> [3] "peter, jack, jason"                                          
#> [4] "jamesj, asonj, jack"                                         
#> [5] "jamesj, jason, john, jason, john , jason, jack, sam ,  peter"

Created on 2022-05-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

And full credits to my eternal regular expression support from the StringR cheatsheet and thanks to @Maël for the code for the data frame

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1211

You can use crossing() from tidyr in combination with str_detect() from stringr to find each of the patterns by id.

names_from_pattern <- data_frame|> tidyr::crossing(patterns)  %>%
  dplyr::rowwise() %>%
  dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(names, patterns))|>
  dplyr::select(id, "names" = patterns)

Then find all other names not in the pattern

find.string <- paste(patterns, collapse = "|") #e.g. 'or' separated 
other_names <- tibble(id = data_frame$id, other_names = gsub(find.string, replacement = " ", x = data_frame$names)) %>%
tidytext::unnest_tokens(., input = other_names, output = names)
# removes remaining non-letters (e.g "peter", not "peter_")
other_names$names<- gsub("[^a-z]","",other_names$names) 

RBind names from the pattern with other all names

df<- rbind(names_from_pattern, other_names)

Then to format the output to your specification, use dplyr's pivot_wider() in combination with unite() from tidyr.

df <-   df |>  
pivot_wider(id_cols = id, names_from = names, values_from = names) %>%
unite(.,col='names', 2:length(.), sep=', ', na.rm = TRUE)


# A tibble: 5 x 2
     id names                                       
  <int> <chr>                                       
1     1 jack, james, john                           
2     2 james, john, jason                          
3     3 jack, jason, peter                          
4     4 jack, james, jason, jamesj, asonj           
5     5 jack, james, john, jason, jamesj, peter, sam



Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 39667

paste | between the patterns and compare it with the tolower data_frame$names and on match add on both sides of the match using gsub.
Replace /_, - with , using gsub. trimws where whitespace is ,

data_frame$names <-
  trimws( gsub("[/_, -]+", ", ",
               gsub( paste0("(", paste(patterns, collapse="|"), ")"), " \\1 ",
                    tolower(data_frame$names) )
       , whitespace = ", ")
#  id                                                     names
#1  1                                         john, jack, james
#2  2                                 john, james, jason, james
#3  3                                        peter, jack, jason
#4  4                                       jamesj, asonj, jack
#5  5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter


patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")

data_frame <- data.frame(id=1:5, names = c("johnjack jameS",
  "john/james, jasonjames", "peter_jackjason", "jamesjasonj jack",
  "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"))

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 7540

Updated to retain whole names not in the pattern:


data_frame <- tribble(
  ~id, ~names,
  1, "johnjack jameS",
  2, "john/james, jasonjames",
  3, "peter_jackjason",
  4, "jamesjasonj jack",
  5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"

patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason")

data_frame |> 
  mutate(names = map_chr(names, ~ str_to_lower(.) |> 
                           str_extract_all(str_c(c(patterns, "[a-z]{3,10}"), collapse = "|")) |> 
                           unlist() |> 
                           stringi::stri_remove_empty() |> 
                           str_c(collapse = ", "))
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>      id names                                                    
#>   <dbl> <chr>                                                    
#> 1     1 john, jack, james                                        
#> 2     2 john, james, jason, james                                
#> 3     3 peter, jack, jason                                       
#> 4     4 jamesj, asonj, jack                                      
#> 5     5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter

Created on 2022-05-14 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 52024

Here's a somewhat ad-hoc answer but it meets your requirements (no change in the patterns vector):

patterns <- c("john", "jack", "james", "jamesj", "jason")

data_frame %>% 
  separate_rows(names) %>% 
  mutate(name = str_split(tolower(names), paste0("(?<=(", paste0(patterns, collapse = "|"), "))"))) %>% 
  unnest(name) %>% 
  filter(nzchar(name)) %>% 
  group_by(j = cumsum(!(name == "j"))) %>% 
  summarise(name = paste(name, collapse = ""),
            id = unique(id)) %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  summarise(name = toString(name))

## A tibble: 5 × 2
#     id name                                                     
#  <dbl> <chr>                                                    
#1     1 john, jack, james                                        
#2     2 john, james, jason, james                                
#3     3 peter, jack, jason                                       
#4     4 jamesj, asonj, jack                                      
#5     5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter

Previous answer:

Adding the other possible names in the patterns vector, and reordering the vector so that jamesj is preferred over james, you can then use str_extract_all.


patterns <- c("john", "jack", "jamesj", "james", "jason", "asonj", "peter", "sam")
patterns <- patterns[order(nchar(patterns), decreasing = T)]

data_frame %>% 
  mutate(names = lapply(str_extract_all(tolower(names), paste(patterns, collapse = "|")), toString))

#  id                                                     names
#1  1                                         john, jack, james
#2  2                                 john, james, jason, james
#3  3                                        peter, jack, jason
#4  4                                       jamesj, asonj, jack
#5  5 jamesj, jason, john, jason, john, jason, jack, sam, peter


data_frame <- tribble(
  ~id, ~names,
  1, "johnjack jameS",
  2, "john/james, jasonjames",
  3, "peter_jackjason",
  4, "jamesjasonj jack",
  5, "jamesjjason, johnjasonjohn , jason-jack sam _ peter"

Upvotes: 4

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