Jan Nielsen
Jan Nielsen

Reputation: 11829

Concise HAL+JSON and JSON endpoint implementation?

Is it possible to concisely implement a single HAL-JSON & JSON endpoints in Spring Boot 2? The goal is to have:

curl -v http://localhost:8091/books

return this application/hal+json result:

  "_embedded" : {
    "bookList" : [ {
      "title" : "The As",
      "author" : "ab",
      "isbn" : "A"
    }, {
      "title" : "The Bs",
      "author" : "ab",
      "isbn" : "B"
    }, {
      "title" : "The Cs",
      "author" : "cd",
      "isbn" : "C"
    } ]

and for this (and/or the HTTP Accept header since this is a REST API):

curl -v http://localhost:8091/books?format=application/json

to return the plain application/json result:

[ {
  "title" : "The As",
  "author" : "ab",
  "isbn" : "A"
}, {
  "title" : "The Bs",
  "author" : "ab",
  "isbn" : "B"
}, {
  "title" : "The Cs",
  "author" : "cd",
  "isbn" : "C"
} ]

with minimal controller code. These endpoints work as expected:

public Collection<Book> booksAsJson() {
    return _books();

public CollectionModel<Book> booksAsHalJson() {
    return _halJson(_books());

public ResponseEntity<?> booksWithParam(
    @RequestParam(name="format", defaultValue="application/hal+json") 
    String format) {

    return _selectedMediaType(_books(), format);

public ResponseEntity<?> booksAsDesired() {
    return _selectedMediaType(_books(), _format());

with the following helpers:

private String _format() {
    // TODO: something clever here...perhaps Spring's content-negotiation?
    return MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE;

private <T> static CollectionModel<T> _halJson(Collection<T> items) {
    return CollectionModel.of(items);

private <T> static ResponseEntity<?> _selectedMediaType(
    Collection<T> items, String format) {

    return ResponseEntity.ok(switch(format.toLowerCase()) {
        case MediaTypes.HAL_JSON_VALUE        -> _halJson(items);
        case MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE -> items;
        default                               -> throw _unknownFormat(format);

but the booksWithParam implementation is too messy to duplicate for each endpoint. Is there a way to get to, or close to, something like the booksAsDesired implementation or something similarly concise?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1126

Answers (1)

Roman Vottner
Roman Vottner

Reputation: 12839

One way you could tell Spring that you want to support plain JSON is by adding a custom converter for such media types. This can be done by overwriting the extendMessageConverters method of WebMvcConfigurer and adding your custom converters there like in the sample below:

import ...PlainJsonHttpMessageConverter;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.data.web.config.EnableSpringDataWebSuport;
import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageConverter;
import org.springframework.web.servelt.config.annotation.ResourceHandlerRegistry;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer;

import java.util.List;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

public class WebMvcConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {

  public void extendMessageConverters(@Nonnull final List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
    converters.add(new PlainJsonHttpMessageConverter());

The message converter itself is also no rocket-science as can be seen by the PlainJsonHttpMessageConverter sample below:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsr310.JavaTimeModule;

import org.springframework.hateoas.RepresentationModel;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.converter.json.AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

public class PlainJsonHttpMessageConverter extends AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter {
  public PlainJsonHttpMessageConverter() {
    super(new ObjectMapper(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON);
    // add support for date and time format conversion to ISO 8601 and others
    this.defaultObjectMapper.registerModule(new JavaTimeModule());
    // return JSON payload in pretty format

  protected boolean supports(@Nonnull final Class<?> clazz) {
    return RepresentationModel.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

This should enable plain JSON support besides HAL-JSON without you having to do any further branching or custom media-type specific conversion within your domain logic or service code.

I.e. let's take a simple task as example case. Within a TaskController you might have a code like this

@GetMapping(path = "/{taskId:.+}", produces = {
public ResponseEntity<?> task(@PathVariable("taskId") String taskId,
                              @RequestParam(required = false) Map<String, String> queryParams,
                              HttpServletRequest request) {
  if (queryParams == null) {
    queryParams = new HashMap<>();
  Pageable pageable = RequestUtils.getPageableForInput(queryParams);
  final String caseId = queryParams.get("caseId");

  final Query query = buildSearchCriteria(taskId, caseId, ...);
  List<Task> matches = mongoTemplate.find(query, Task.class);

  if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
    final Task task = matches.get(0);
    return ResponseEntity.ok()
  } else {
    if (request.getHeader("Accept").contains(MediaTypes.HTTP_PROBLEM_DETAILS_JSON_VALUE)) {
      return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
          .body(generateNotFoundProblem(request, taskId));
    } else {
      final String msg = "No task with ID " + taskId + " found";
      throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, msg);

which simply retrieves an arbitrary task via its unique identifier and returns the representation for it according to the one specified in the Accept HTTP header. The TASK_ASSEMBLER here is just a custom Spring HATEOAS RepresentationModelAssembler<Task, TaskResource> class that converts task objects to task resources by adding links for certain related things.

This can now be easily tested via Spring MVC tests such as

public void halJson() throws Exception {
  given(mongoTemplate.find(any(Query.class), eq(Task.class)))
  final ResultActions result = mockMvc.perform(
  // see raw payload received by commenting out below line
  // System.err.println(result.andReturn().getResponse().getContentAsString());

public void plainJson() throws Exception {
  given(mongoTemplate.find(any(Query.class), eq(Task.class)))
  final ResultActions result = mockMvc.perform(
  // see raw payload received by commenting out below line
  // System.err.println(result.andReturn().getResponse().getContentAsString());


private void verifyHalJson(final ResultActions action) throws Exception {
  action.andExpect(jsonPath("taskId", is("taskId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("caseId", is("caseId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("_links.self.href", is(BASE_URI + "/tasks/taskId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("_links.up.href", is(BASE_URI + "/tasks")));

rivate void verifyPlainJson(final ResultActions action) throws Exception {
  action.andExpect(jsonPath("taskId", is("taskId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("caseId", is("caseId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("links[0].rel", is("self")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("links[0].href", is(BASE_URI + "/tasks/taskId")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("links[1].rel", is("up")))
      .andExpect(jsonPath("links[1].href", is(BASE_URI + "/tasks")));

Note how links are presented here differently depending on which media type you've selected.

Upvotes: 1

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