I get Error when try to set value for (a.Hinta ) to (HintaTextB.Text) in third code block.
public bool saveAutoIntoDatabase(Auto newAuto)
bool palaute = false;
if (connectDatabase())
string sql = "INSERT INTO [Auto] (Hinta, Rekisteri_paivamaara, Moottorin_tilavuus, Mittarilukema, VaritID)" +
" VALUES (@Hinta, @Rekisteri_paivamaara, @Moottorin_tilavuus, @Mittarilukema, @VaritID)";
cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, dbYhteys);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Hinta",SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = newAuto.Hinta;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Rekisteri_paivamaara", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = newAuto.Rekisteri_paivamaara;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Moottorin_tilavuus", SqlDbType.Decimal).Value = newAuto.Moottorin_tilavuus;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Mittarilukema", SqlDbType.Int).Value = newAuto.Mittarilukema;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@VaritID", SqlDbType.Int).Value = newAuto.VaritID;
return palaute;
// Controller class
public bool saveAuto(model.Auto newAuto)
bool didItGoIntoDatabase = dbModel.saveAutoIntoDatabase(newAuto);
return didItGoIntoDatabase;
I get Error whene try to set value for (a.Hinta ) to (HintaTextB.Text) Error,Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to 'int'.
private void saveButton_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Auto a = new Auto(0, 0, DateTime.Today, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
a.Hinta = HintaTextB.Text;
a.Mittarilukema = mittarilukemaTextB.Text;
a.Rekisteri_paivamaara= dateTimePicker1.Value;
a.VaritID = variComboBox.SelectedItem;
bool aa = (logiikka.saveAuto(a));
Upvotes: 1
Views: 92
Reputation: 41
your first two blocks of codes is ok
but in saveButton_Click_1 you call save with the default object values then assign object values to the control
you need first to assign controls values to the object then call save
a.Mittarilukema = mittarilukemaTextB.Text
then call save
Upvotes: 1