
Reputation: 15

" _CastError (Null check operator used on a null value) " Flutter

When interacting with my function that initiate specs, flutter return me this error : "_CastError (Null check operator used on a null value)"

error code :

 initSpecsTechs() async {
    specs = await APIBike()
        .getSpecsTechs(jwt: _user!.jwt, bikeId: favoriteBike!.id);

Full code of my page setting (first line contain the error code):

import 'package:myapp/api_bike.dart';
import 'package:myapp/api_user.dart';
import 'package:myapp/ux_components.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
import 'blur_filter.dart';

class SettingsPage extends StatefulWidget {
  SettingsPageState createState() => SettingsPageState();

  SettingsPage({required Key key}) : super(key: key);

class SettingsPageState extends State<SettingsPage>
    with AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin<SettingsPage> {
  User? _user;
  List<Bike> _bikes = [];
  Bike? favoriteBike;
  Specs? specs;
  bool connectedByBluetooth = true;
  double _currentSliderAutomaticExtinctionValue = 0;
  double _currentSliderAutomaticLockingValue = 0;
  bool theftAlertIsActive = true;
  bool batteryAlertIsActive = true;
  bool maintainAlertIsActive = true;
  bool constantBackLight = true;
  double spaceAfterSmallTitle = 15;
  double spaceAfterWidget = 20;

  init() async {
    await initUser();
    await initBikes();
    await initFavoriteBike();
    await initSpecsTechs();

  Future initUser() async {
    final storage = new FlutterSecureStorage();
    String mail = await storage.read(key: "mail") ?? "";
    String password = await storage.read(key: "password") ?? "";
    UserResponse userResponse = await APIUser()
        .login(mail, password); //L'identifiant peut être le username ou le mail
    User? user = userResponse.user;
    if (user != null) {
      setState(() {
        _user = user;
    return user;

  initBikes() async {
    if (_user != null) {
      List<Bike> bikes = await APIBike().getAllUserBikes(jwt: _user!.jwt);
      setState(() {
        _bikes = bikes;
    } else {
      print("could not get the bikes call the user is null");

  initFavoriteBike() async {
    if (_bikes.length == 0) {
      favoriteBike = null;
    } else if (_bikes.length == 1) {
      setState(() {
        favoriteBike = _bikes.first;
    } else {
      Bike? favBike = await APIBike().getFavoriteBike(jwt: _user!.jwt);
      if (favBike != null) {
        setState(() {
          favoriteBike = favBike;
      } else {

  initSpecsTechs() async {
    specs = await APIBike()
        .getSpecsTechs(jwt: _user!.jwt, bikeId: favoriteBike!.id);

  initBackLightMode() {
    if (specs != null) {
      bool constantBackLightValue = false;
      if (specs!.rearLight == "fixed") {
        constantBackLightValue = true;
      setState(() {
        constantBackLight = constantBackLightValue;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initBackLightMode");

  initTheftAlertIsActive() {
    if (specs != null) {
      setState(() {
        theftAlertIsActive = specs!.theftAlarm;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initStealAlertIsActive");

  initBatteryAlertIsActive() {
    if (specs != null) {
      setState(() {
        batteryAlertIsActive = specs!.batteryAlarm;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initBatteryAlertIsActive");

  initMaintenanceAlertIsActive() {
    if (specs != null) {
      setState(() {
        maintainAlertIsActive = specs!.maintenanceAlarm;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initMaintenanceAlertIsActive");

  initBluetoothConnection() {
    //If this value is false then the page is all grey with nothing active
    setState(() {
      connectedByBluetooth = true;

  initSliderAutomaticExtinctionValue() {
    if (specs != null) {
      double sliderValue = 0;
      if (specs!.automaticSwitchOff == 0) {
        sliderValue = 4;
      } else if (specs!.automaticSwitchOff == 5) {
        sliderValue = 0;
      } else if (specs!.automaticSwitchOff == 10) {
        sliderValue = 1;
      } else if (specs!.automaticSwitchOff == 15) {
        sliderValue = 2;
      } else if (specs!.automaticSwitchOff == 20) {
        sliderValue = 3;
      } else {
        //If there is a problem (it is not suppose to happen, we set it to never)
        sliderValue = 0;
      setState(() {
        _currentSliderAutomaticExtinctionValue = sliderValue;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initSliderAutomaticExtinctionValue");

  initSliderAutomaticLockingValue() {
    if (specs != null) {
      double sliderValue = 0;
      if (specs!.automaticLocking == 0) {
        sliderValue = 4;
      } else if (specs!.automaticLocking == 1) {
        sliderValue = 0;
      } else if (specs!.automaticLocking == 3) {
        sliderValue = 1;
      } else if (specs!.automaticLocking == 5) {
        sliderValue = 2;
      } else if (specs!.automaticLocking == 10) {
        sliderValue = 3;
      } else {
        //If there is a problem (it is not suppose to happen, we set it to never)
        sliderValue = 0;
      setState(() {
        _currentSliderAutomaticLockingValue = sliderValue;
    } else {
      print("Fake value used for initSliderAutomaticLockingValue");

  void initState() {


  updateRearLightValue(String newValue) async {
    //TODO change the value on the bike by BLE
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "rear_light",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Rear light value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: rear light value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

  updateAutomaticShutDownValue(double sliderValue) async {
    //TODO change the value on the bike by BLE
    int newValue = 0; // is also the value for never
    if (sliderValue == 0) {
      newValue = 5;
    } else if (sliderValue == 1) {
      newValue = 10;
    } else if (sliderValue == 2) {
      newValue = 15;
    } else if (sliderValue == 3) {
      newValue = 20;
    } //else the new value is 0 which is never
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "automatic_switch_off",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Automatic switch off value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: Automatic switch off value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

  updateAutomaticLockingValue(double sliderValue) async {
    //TODO change the value on the bike by BLE
    int newValue = 0; // is also the value for never
    if (sliderValue == 0) {
      newValue = 1;
    } else if (sliderValue == 1) {
      newValue = 3;
    } else if (sliderValue == 2) {
      newValue = 5;
    } else if (sliderValue == 3) {
      newValue = 10;
    } //else the new value is 0 which is never
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "automatic_locking",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Automatic locking value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: Automatic locking value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

  updateTheftAlertIsActive(bool newValue) async {
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "theft_alarm",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Theft alert value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: theft alert value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

  updateBatteryAlertIsActive(bool newValue) async {
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "battery_alarm",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Battery alert value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: battery alert value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

  updateMaintenanceAlertIsActive(bool newValue) async {
    bool operationSucceed = await APIBike().updateSpecsTechs(
        jwt: _user!.jwt,
        bikeId: favoriteBike!.id,
        specToUpdate: "maintenance_alarm",
        newSpecValue: newValue);
    if (operationSucceed) {
      print("Maintenance alert value updated successfully");
    } else {
      print("Error: maintenance alert value didn't update correctly");
    return operationSucceed;

And finally my api for the user :

import 'dart:collection';

import 'package:myapp/api_bike.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'dart:convert';

class ResponseWithError {
  final bool result;
  final String error;

  ResponseWithError(this.result, this.error);

class APIUser {
  //For dev
  final String serverAddress =

  //TODO For production:
  //final String serverAddress = "https://prodadress.com";

  Future<ResponseWithError> createUser(
      String firstname, String lastname, String email, String password) async {
    var body =
        """{"username": "$firstname $lastname", "firstname": "$firstname", "lastname": "$lastname",  "email": "$email", "password": "$password"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.post(
        body: body,
        headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'});
    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("USER CREATED");
      return ResponseWithError(true, "none");
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      var responseBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
      if (responseBody["message"][0]["messages"][0]["id"] != null) {
        String errorMessageId = responseBody["message"][0]["messages"][0]["id"];
        if (errorMessageId == "Auth.form.error.email.format") {
          return ResponseWithError(false, "email format");
      return ResponseWithError(false, "not known");

  Future<UserResponse> login(String identifier, String password) async {
    var body = """{"identifier": "$identifier", "password": "$password"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.post(Uri.parse("$serverAddress/auth/local"),
        body: body, headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'});
    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      //print("USER LOGGED IN");
      final parsed = jsonDecode(response.body);
      User user = User.fromJson(parsed);
      UserResponse userResponse = UserResponse(user, true);
      return userResponse;
    } else {
      //print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      //print("Response Body");
      var responseBody = jsonDecode(response.body);
      if (responseBody["message"][0]["messages"][0]["id"] != null) {
        String errorMessageId = responseBody["message"][0]["messages"][0]["id"];
        if (errorMessageId == "Auth.form.error.confirmed") {
          print("User not confirmed");
          UserResponse userResponse = UserResponse(null, false);
          return userResponse;
        } else /*if(errorMessageId == "Auth.form.error.invalid")*/ {
          print("email or password incorrect");
          UserResponse userResponse = UserResponse(null, true);
          return userResponse;
      //Should not happen, but just in case
      UserResponse userResponse = UserResponse(null, true);
      return userResponse;

  Future<bool> updateToken(String jwt, String notificationId) async {
    var body = """{"notification_id": "$notificationId"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.put(Uri.parse("$serverAddress/users/token"),
        body: body,
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer $jwt'

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> updateEmail(String jwt, String newEmail) async {
    var confirmed = false;
    var body = """{"email": "$newEmail", "confirmed": "$confirmed"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.put(Uri.parse("$serverAddress/users/me"),
        body: body,
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer $jwt'

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("EMAIL UPDATED");
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> updateNames(
      String jwt, String newFirstname, String newLastName) async {
    var body =
        """{"username": "$newFirstname $newLastName", "firstname": "$newFirstname", "lastname": "$newLastName"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.put(Uri.parse("$serverAddress/users/me"),
        body: body,
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer $jwt'

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("NAMES UPDATED");
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> updatePassword(String jwt, String newPassword) async {
    var body = """{"password": "$newPassword"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.put(Uri.parse("$serverAddress/users/me"),
        body: body,
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": 'application/json',
          'Authorization': 'Bearer $jwt'

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("PASSWORD UPDATED");
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> sendConfirmationCode(String email) async {
    var body = """{"email": "$email"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.post(
        body: body,
        headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'});

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("EMAIL SENT to $email");
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> verifyEmail(String email, String code) async {
    var body = """{"email": "$email", "confirmation": "$code"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.put(
        body: body,
        headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'});

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      print("EMAIL VERIFIED");
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error " + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

  Future<bool> passwordForgotten({required String email}) async {
    var body = """{"email": "$email"}""";

    var client = new http.Client();

    var response = await client.post(
        body: body,
        headers: {"Content-Type": 'application/json'});

    if (response.statusCode == 200) {
      return true;
    } else {
      print("Error passwordForgotten :" + response.statusCode.toString());
      print("Response Body");
      return false;

class UserResponse {
  User? user;
  bool userConfirmed;

  UserResponse(this.user, this.userConfirmed);

class User {
  final int id;
  final String jwt;
  final String username;
  final String firstname;
  final String lastname;
  final String email;
  final String provider;
  final bool confirmed;
  final bool? blocked;
  final String? notificationId;
  final String createdAt;
  final String updatedAt;
  final List<int>?
      bikesId; //Here we just save the ids of the bikes linked to the user
  final Subscription? subscription;
  final Role role;

    required this.id,
    required this.jwt,
    required this.username,
    required this.firstname,
    required this.lastname,
    required this.email,
    required this.provider,
    required this.confirmed,
    required this.blocked,
    required this.notificationId,
    required this.createdAt,
    required this.updatedAt,
    required this.bikesId,
    required this.subscription,
    required this.role,

  factory User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    if (json['user']['subscription'] != null) {
      return User(
          id: json['user']['id'] as int,
          jwt: json['jwt'] as String,
          username: json['user']['username'] as String,
          firstname: json['user']['firstname'] as String,
          lastname: json['user']['lastname'] as String,
          email: json['user']['email'] as String,
          provider: json['user']['provider'] as String,
          confirmed: json['user']['confirmed'] as bool,
          blocked: json['user']['blocked'] as bool?,
          notificationId: json['user']['notification_id'] as String?,
          createdAt: json['user']['created_at'] as String,
          updatedAt: json['user']['updated_at'] as String,
          bikesId: createBikesIdList(json['user']['bikes_id']),
          subscription: Subscription(
              id: json['user']['subscription']['id'],
              name: json['user']['subscription']['name'],
              createdAt: json['user']['subscription']['created_at'],
              updatedAt: json['user']['subscription']['updated_at']),
          role: Role(
            id: json['user']['role']['id'],
            name: json['user']['role']['name'],
            description: json['user']['role']['description'],
            type: json['user']['role']['type'],
    } else {
      return User(
          id: json['user']['id'] as int,
          jwt: json['jwt'] as String,
          username: json['user']['username'] as String,
          firstname: json['user']['firstname'] as String,
          lastname: json['user']['lastname'] as String,
          email: json['user']['email'] as String,
          provider: json['user']['provider'] as String,
          confirmed: json['user']['confirmed'] as bool,
          blocked: json['user']['blocked'] as bool?,
          notificationId: json['user']['notification_id'] as String?,
          createdAt: json['user']['created_at'] as String,
          updatedAt: json['user']['updated_at'] as String,
          bikesId: createBikesIdList(json['user']['bikes_id']),
          subscription: null,
          role: Role(
            id: json['user']['role']['id'],
            name: json['user']['role']['name'],
            description: json['user']['role']['description'],
            type: json['user']['role']['type'],

  describe() {
    print("id : $id\njwt : $jwt");

class Role {
  final int id;
  final String name;
  final String description;
  final String type;

    required this.id,
    required this.name,
    required this.description,
    required this.type,

class Subscription {
  final int id;
  final String name;
  final String createdAt;
  final String updatedAt;

      {required this.id,
      required this.name,
      required this.createdAt,
      required this.updatedAt});

Upvotes: 0

Views: 3025

Answers (2)

Wali Seddiqi
Wali Seddiqi

Reputation: 466

  initSpecsTechs() async {
    specs = await APIBike()
        .getSpecsTechs(jwt: _user!.jwt, bikeId: favoriteBike!.id);

The "!" operator causes the exception instead use "?" like this

specs = await APIBike() .getSpecsTechs(jwt: _user?.jwt??'', bikeId: favoriteBike?.id??'');

Upvotes: 0

Yunus Emre &#199;elik
Yunus Emre &#199;elik

Reputation: 326

Can you try like this? I think user or favoriteBike is null. You need to null check.

 initSpecsTechs() async {
    if(_user != null && favoriteBike != null){
     specs = await APIBike()
            .getSpecsTechs(jwt: _user!.jwt, bikeId: favoriteBike!.id);

Upvotes: 1

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