Reputation: 172
I have a solana Candy Machine address here: 8XrvWo4ywz6kzN7cDekmAZYyfCP8ZMQHLaaqkxFp9vhH
I want to extract the Anchor Data as show in this screenshot for Solana Explorer:
After looking through network requests all I find is encoded data with I assume is base64
How would I go about decoding this? I tried base64
decoding but most of it comes out scrambled still.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1155
Reputation: 89
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
export const MINTS_PROGRAM_ID = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(
describe("load data", () => {
const randomKeypair = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate();
const cluster = anchor.web3.clusterApiUrl("mainnet-beta");
const connection = new anchor.web3.Connection(cluster);
const wallet = new anchor.Wallet(randomKeypair);
const provider = new anchor.AnchorProvider(connection, wallet, {
preflightCommitment: "processed",
it("Fetch Data", async () => {
try {
const idl = await anchor.Program.fetchIdl(MINTS_PROGRAM_ID, provider);
const program = new anchor.Program(idl!, MINTS_PROGRAM_ID, provider);
const accounts = await program.account.candyMachine.fetch(
console.log("Accounts ", accounts);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Account error ", error);
Upvotes: -1