Reputation: 577
I am trying to load html5 video files onto the iPad. I am using node.js. Here is the code:
return function staticProvider(req, res, next) {
if (req.method != 'GET' && req.method != 'HEAD') return next();
var hit,
head = req.method == 'HEAD',
filename, url = parseUrl(req.url);
// Potentially malicious path
if (~url.pathname.indexOf('..')) {
console.log("forbidden", url.pathname);
return forbidden(res);
// Absolute path
filename = Path.join(root, queryString.unescape(url.pathname));
// Index.html support
if (filename[filename.length - 1] === '/') {
filename += "index.html";
// Cache hit
if (cache && !conditionalGET(req) && (hit = _cache[req.url])) {
res.writeHead(200, hit.headers);
res.end(head ? undefined : hit.body);
fs.stat(filename, function(err, stat){
// Pass through for missing files, thow error for other problems
if (err) {
return err.errno === process.ENOENT
? next()
: next(err);
} else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return next();
// Serve the file directly using buffers
function onRead(err, data) {
if (err) return next(err);
// Response headers
var headers = {
"Content-Type": mime.lookup(filename),
"Content-Length": stat.size,
"Last-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),
"Cache-Control": "public max-age=" + (maxAge / 1000),
"ETag": etag(stat),
"Accept-Ranges": "bytes"
// Conditional GET
if (!modified(req, headers)) {
return notModified(res, headers);
res.writeHead(200, headers);
res.end(head ? undefined : data);
// Cache support
if (cache) {
_cache[req.url] = {
headers: headers,
body: data
fs.readFile(filename, onRead);
I'm really unsure what I'm doing here, and I need to make it stream/buffer.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 368
Reputation: 13677
The code seems to be an attempt to implement a connect middleware to serve static files. Did you try to use standard connect middleware for this purpose? Here is an example:
var connect = require('connect')
var server = connect.createServer(
, connect.static(__dirname + '/public')
Upvotes: 1