Reputation: 431
I've been reading some questions, answers and blogs about MVVM pattern in Android, and I've implemented it in my application.
My application consists of a MainActivity with 3 Tabs. Content of each tab is a fragment.
One of these fragments, is a List of Users stored on Room DB, which is where I've implemented the MVVM (implementing User object, ViewModel, Repository and Adapter with RecycleView).
In this same fragment, I have an "add User" button at the end that leads to a new activity where a formulary is presented to add a new user. In this activity I want to be sure that the full name of user not exists in my DB before saving it.
I was trying to use the same ViewModel to get full UserNames full name, but it seems that ViewModel is never initialized and I dont' know why.
I've read some questions about that viewmodel can't be used in different activities (I use it in MainActivity also in AddUser activity
This is my ViewModel:
class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
val allUsersLiveData: LiveData<List<User>>
private val repository: UserRepository
init {
Timber.i("Initializing UserViewModel")
repository = UserRepository(UserTrackerApplication.database!!.databaseDao())
allUsersLiveData = repository.getAllUsers()
fun getAllUsersFullName(): List<String> {
return allUsersLiveData.value!!.map { it.fullname}
And my AddUser activity:
class AddUser : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var userList:List<String>
private lateinit var binding: ActivityAddUserBinding
private val userViewModel: UserViewModel by viewModels()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Timber.i("Add User OnCreate")
binding = ActivityAddUserBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
fun addUserClick(v : View){
val userName = binding.constraintLayoutAddUser.etUserName!!.text.toString()
if(checkUserExistance(userName)) {
val text: String = String.format(
Snackbar.make(v, text, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
lifecycleScope.launch {
Timber.i("User added!")
Debugging, I see the log "Initializing UserViewModel"
when the fragment of MainActivity is started, but I can't see it when AddUser activity is called. So it seems it's not initializing correctly.
So the questions:
I forgot to add this function. Calling userViewModel here is where I get the error:
private fun checkUserExistance(userName: String): Boolean {
var result = false
userList = userViewModel.getAllUsersNames()
for (usr in userList)
if(usr.uppercase() == userName.uppercase())
result = true
return result
I added this on my "onCreate" function and started to work:
userViewModel.allUsersLiveData.observe(this, Observer<List<User>>{
it?.let {
// updates the list.
Timber.i("Updating User Names")
userList =userViewModel.getAllUsersNames()
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if you take a look at by viewModels delegate you will see it's lazy it means it will initialize when it is first time accessed
public inline fun <reified VM : ViewModel> ComponentActivity.viewModels(
noinline factoryProducer: (() -> Factory)? = null
): Lazy<VM> {
val factoryPromise = factoryProducer ?: {
return ViewModelLazy(VM::class, { viewModelStore }, factoryPromise)
Upvotes: 1