Reputation: 671
I can't find anything on the internet about how to actually extract and utilize the OpenAPI specification generated by the apispec
package to make a Swagger page.
I don't want to rely on a package that hasn't been being actively maintained like flask-apispec
. I want to use flask-swagger-ui
, apispec
, and other standard/well-maintained packages only.
Here is my test app. I don't know if the APISpec
is working right because the documentation doesn't tell you anything about what you do with the object, but the Flask app is functional.
from flask import Flask, request, abort
from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from apispec import APISpec
from apispec.ext.marshmallow import MarshmallowPlugin
from apispec_webframeworks.flask import FlaskPlugin
app = Flask(__name__)
spec = APISpec(
plugins=[FlaskPlugin(), MarshmallowPlugin()],
class InputSchema(Schema):
useless_1 = fields.String(required=True, description='A string')
useless_2 = fields.Int(missing=5, description='An integer')
class OutputSchema(Schema):
doublyuseless_1 = fields.String(required=True)
doublyuseless_2 = fields.Int(required=True)
inputschema = InputSchema()
outputschema = OutputSchema()
@app.route('/double', methods=['GET'])
def double():
"""A doubler.
description: Double things
description: Double things
schema: OutputSchema"""
errors = inputschema.validate(request.args)
if errors:
abort(400, str(errors))
return_dict = {}
args = inputschema.load(request.args)
return_dict['doublyuseless_1'] = args['useless_1']*2
return_dict['doublyuseless_2'] = args['useless_2']*2
return outputschema.dump(return_dict)
with app.test_request_context():
UPDATE: with the following code, I now get a blank page at root with the Swagger title, but no content.
with app.test_request_context():
with open('swagger.json', 'w') as f:
dict_ = yaml.load(StringIO(spec.to_yaml()), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
with open('swagger.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(dict_, f)
API_URL = 'swagger.json'
swaggerui_blueprint = get_swaggerui_blueprint(
SWAGGER_URL, # Swagger UI static files will be mapped to '{SWAGGER_URL}/dist/'
config={ # Swagger UI config overrides
'app_name': "Doubler"
# oauth_config={ # OAuth config. See .
# 'clientId': "your-client-id",
# 'clientSecret': "your-client-secret-if-required",
# 'realm': "your-realms",
# 'appName': "your-app-name",
# 'scopeSeparator': " ",
# 'additionalQueryStringParams': {'test': "hello"}
# }
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1946
Reputation: 671
The solution to my original problem was quite straightforward: ApiSpec
has both a to_dict
and a to_yaml
method for exporting swagger.json
. My second problem was more esoteric. I needed to use a SWAGGER_URL
that was not /
, because for some reason this caused the page to look for the core Swagger files at URLs like http://swagger-ui.js
, which obviously didn't work. Once I changed my path to /doc
, I still had a white screen, but that could be fixed by hosting the files myself at /doc
(which I think flask_swagger_ui
was supposed to do automatically, but hey, it worked).
Upvotes: 1