
Reputation: 133

Slow Ansible performance when using loop with large YAML var

Hello Developer Community!

I have been working on developing some Ansible playbooks to manage Citrix NetScaler configuration and would like to get some help about the following. I have the following data structure defined in a variable named nsapp_lb_server:

    - name:                      "SRV-1"
      ipaddress:                 ""
      comment:                   "Chewbacca"

    - name:                      "SRV-2"
      ipaddress:                 ""
      comment:                   "C-3PO"

    - name:                      "SRV-3"
      ipaddress:                 ""
      comment:                   "Obi-Wan Kenobi"

[+ another 1200 item...]

and I have the follow task:

  - name: "Check variables (loop)"
            - ( ( is defined) and ( | length > 0) )
            - ( (item.ipaddress is defined) and (item.ipaddress | ipaddr() == item.ipaddress) )
            - ( (item.comment | length > 0) if (item.comment is defined) else omit )
    loop: "{{ nsapp_lb_server }}"

My problem is that, when I have thousands of records in the nsapp_lb_server variable, the loop is incredibly slow. The task finishes in 30 minutes, which is a very long time... :-(

After some digging on the Internet, it seems, the issue is caused by Ansible "loop" function, so I would like to check if there are any other methods what I can use instead of loop.

Are there any alternatives of Ansible "loop" which can provide the same result (looping over the entries of the variable)? I was thinking about using json_query, but still do not know how to implement it in this specific case.

My environment:

$ ansible --version
ansible [core 2.12.6]
  config file = /home/ansible/.ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/ansible/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /home/ansible/ansible/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /home/ansible/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /home/ansible/ansible/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.9.7 (default, Sep 21 2021, 00:13:39) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)]
  jinja version = 3.0.3
  libyaml = True

Could anyone please point me to the right direction? I have been working on my code set for a very long time and after testing the code with large data, the code seems to be useless, because of the running time. I have also checked the hardware resource allocated to the VM where Ansible controller is running on, nothing problematic.

Many thanks in advance!

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2207

Answers (2)

Mike Reiche
Mike Reiche

Reputation: 460

I have serious performance issues with with_items, these tasks are the most expensive single tasks of the whole runbook.

my-service : Set 'client_internal_ids' --- 62.13s
my-service : Set 'client_internal_ids' --- 61.73s

and the task is quite simple:

- name: "Set 'client_internal_ids'"
    client_internal_ids: "{{ client_internal_ids|default({}) | combine ( { item.clientId: } ) }}"
  no_log: true
    - "{{ all_clients_response.json }}"

That's why I create a dedicated plugin to convert a dictionary inline using a simple filter (under filter_plugins):

def items2dict(input: any, key: any, value: any = None):
    """Converts items to a single dict without using with_items|loop|combine"""
    target_dict = {}

    if isinstance(input, list):
        source = input
    elif isinstance(input, dict):
        source = input.items()
        source = input.__dict__.items()

    for item in source:
        if key in item:
            key_val = item[key]
            key_val = key

        if value in item:
            value_val = item[value]
            value_val = value

        target_dict[key_val] = value_val

    return target_dict


- name: "Set 'client_internal_ids'"
    client_internal_ids: "{{ all_clients_response.json | items2dict('clientId','id') }}"
  no_log: true

where clientId is the item key and id the item value.

The task doesn't show up in the profiling list anymore.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 2877

Running this validation as thousands of individual tasks is very slow because it adds a lot of execution and callback overhead. You can instead do it in a single task, with the caveat that it will be harder to track down the invalid list item(s):

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    nsapp_lb_server: "{{ nsapp_lb_samples * 10000 }}"
        - name:                      "SRV-1"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "Chewbacca"
        - name:                      "SRV-2"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "C-3PO"
        - name:                      "SRV-3"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
    - assert:
          - nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('name') | length == 0
          - (nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress') | map('ipaddr')) == (nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress'))
          - nsapp_lb_server | selectattr('comment', 'defined') | rejectattr('comment') | length == 0

This runs in ~5 seconds for the 30,000 test entries I fed it.

To make it easier to find the bad values without making the task extremely ugly, you can split it up into a series of tasks:

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
    nsapp_lb_server: "{{ nsapp_lb_samples * 10000 }}"
        - name:                      "SRV-1"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "Chewbacca"
        - name:                      "SRV-2"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "C-3PO"
        - name:                      "SRV-3"
          ipaddress:                 ""
          comment:                   "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
    - name: Check for missing names
        that: nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('name', 'defined') | length == 0
        fail_msg: "Bad entries: {{ nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('name', 'defined') }}"

    - name: Check for bad names
        that: nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('name') | length == 0
        fail_msg: "Bad entries: {{ nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('name') }}"

    - name: Check for missing IP addresses
        that: nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('ipaddress', 'defined') | length == 0
        fail_msg: "Bad entries: {{ nsapp_lb_server | rejectattr('ipaddress', 'defined') }}"

    - name: Check for bad IP addresses
        that: (nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress') | map('ipaddr')) == (nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress'))
        fail_msg: "Suspicious values: {{ nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress') | map('ipaddr') | symmetric_difference(nsapp_lb_server | map(attribute='ipaddress')) }}"

    - name: Check for bad comments
        that: nsapp_lb_server | selectattr('comment', 'defined') | rejectattr('comment') | length == 0
        fail_msg: "Bad entries: {{ nsapp_lb_server | selectattr('comment', 'defined') | rejectattr('comment') }}"

This runs in ~12 seconds for the same list of 30,000 test entries.

Upvotes: 1

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