Reputation: 11
Im having problems with blitting images to rect objects in pygame. i have a background image blitted to my main pygame window, and also an image blitted to a rect object on the screen which moves. the problem i am having is the rect object is overlapping my background image when its moving around. i was looking to only be able to see the green helicopter shape and not the black outline around it. sorry if i havent explained this very well. will try to include all files im using. Thanks for any help
import pygame as pg
import random as r
import time
MAX_X = 1190
MAX_Y = 590
MIN_X = 10
MIN_Y = 10
SIZE = 100
COLOR = (0,255,0)
move_amount = 0
wn = pg.display.set_mode((1200, 600))
BG_IMG = pg.image.load('bg.png').convert()
BG_IMG = pg.transform.scale(BG_IMG, (1200, 600))
class Wall (pg.Rect):
def __init__(self, posX, posY):
self.xcor = posX
self.ycor = posY
self.rect = None
class Heli (pg.Rect):
def __init__(self, posX, posY):
self.image = pg.image.load('art.png').convert()
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.xcor = posX
self.ycor = posY
# top and bottom constant walls
TOP = pg.Rect(MIN_X, MIN_Y, MAX_X, 3)
BOTTOM = pg.Rect(MIN_X, MAX_Y, MAX_X, 3)
heli = Heli(MIN_X, MAX_Y //2)
# keep moving walls in a list
moving_walls = [Wall(MAX_X, r.randint((MIN_Y + 10), (MAX_Y - 10)))]
# main loop
while True:
# fill screen
# editing objects to move
# blitting must happen before everything else
pg.draw.rect(wn,COLOR, heli.rect)
wn.blit(BG_IMG, (0,0))
wn.blit(heli.image, heli.rect)
heli.rect.y += move_amount
heli.rect.y += 1
# use a variable to control how much movement is happening
# movement happens continuosly
# if key down it oves if key up it doesnt
for wall in moving_walls :
wall.rect = pg.Rect(wall.xcor, wall.ycor, 3, SIZE)
pg.draw.rect(wn, COLOR, wall.rect)
wall.xcor -= SPEED
if wall.xcor < MIN_X + 10:
wall.xcor = MAX_X
wall.ycor = r.randint((MIN_Y), (MAX_Y - SIZE))
# drawing all objects back to the screen
pg.draw.rect(wn, COLOR, TOP)
pg.draw.rect(wn, COLOR, BOTTOM)
# update window
# event handling
for ev in pg.event.get():
if ev.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
if ev.key == pg.K_UP:
move_amount = -3
if ev.type == pg.KEYUP:
move_amount = 0
if ev.type == pg.QUIT:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 71
Reputation: 211268
You discard the transparency information of the image. You have to use convert_alpha
instead of convert
self.image = pg.image.load('art.png').convert()
self.image = pg.image.load('art.png').convert_alpha()
The pygame documentation notes that:
The returned Surface will contain the same color format, colorkey and alpha transparency as the file it came from. You will often want to call
with no arguments, to create a copy that will draw more quickly on the screen.
For alpha transparency, like in .png images, use theconvert_alpha()
method after loading so that the image has per pixel transparency.
See also How can I make an Image with a transparent Backround in Pygame?
Upvotes: 1