Reputation: 1
Im taking a course for learning python and this is the assignment they gave us
"""In the United States, it’s customary to leave a tip for your server after dining in a restaurant, typically an amount equal to 15% or more of your meal’s cost. Not to worry, though, we’ve written a tip calculator for you, below!
def main():
dollars = dollars_to_float(input("How much was the meal? "))
percent = percent_to_float(input("What percentage would you like to tip? "))
tip = dollars * percent
print(f"Leave ${tip:.2f}")
def dollars_to_float(d):
def percent_to_float(p):
Well, we’ve written most of a tip calculator for you. Unfortunately, we didn’t have time to implement two functions:
dollars_to_float, which should accept a str as input (formatted as $##.##, wherein each # is a decimal digit), remove the leading $, and return the amount as a float. For instance, given $50.00 as input, it should return 50.0. percent_to_float, which should accept a str as input (formatted as ##%, wherein each # is a decimal digit), remove the trailing %, and return the percentage as a float. For instance, given 15% as input, it should return 0.15. Assume that the user will input values in the expected formats."""
What you should end up getting is How much was the meal? $50.00 What percentage would you like to tip? 15% Leave $7.50 my problem is no matter what numbers i input, i end up getting "Leave $0.00" every single time. this is what i have written
def main():
dollars = dollars_to_float(input("How much was the meal? "))
percent = percent_to_float(input("What percentage would you like to tip? "))
tip = dollars * percent
print(f"Leave ${tip:.2f}")
def dollars_to_float(d):
return float(d)
def percent_to_float(p):
return float(p)
please help!
Upvotes: -3
Views: 2133
Reputation: 1
def main():
dollars = dollars_to_float(input("How much was the meal? "))
percent = percent_to_float(input("What percentage would you like to tip? "))
tip = dollars * percent
print(f"Leave ${tip:.2f}")
def dollars_to_float(d):
d = d.replace('$','')
return float(d)
def percent_to_float(p):
p = p.replace('%','')
p = float(p) / 100
return p
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
def main():
dollars = dollars_to_float(input("How much was the meal? "))
percent = percent_to_float(input("What percentage would you like to tip? "))
tip = dollars * percent/100
print(f"Leave $" , str(tip) )
def dollars_to_float(d):
return float(d)
def percent_to_float(p):
return float(p)
Upvotes: 1