Edit: Im using XAMPP with built in Apache, vscode
I make a live search input(html>js>php>js>html) , it run smoothly at first key-in, but it's getting slower and slower when i delete and key-in again , wonder what's causing the delay and how to fix it.
And i have a question, For this example , it is better to use jquery or pure javascript?
Thank you
<input type="text" class="search" placeholder="find..." autocomplete="off" autocapitalize="characters">
<div class="result"></div>
$(document).on("keyup input",".search",function(){
var input = $(this).val();
var result = $(this).next(".result");
$.get("table.php", {term: input}).done(function(data){
} else{
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "******", "crypto");
// Check connection
if($link === false){
die("ERROR: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$coin = "show tables from crypto where Tables_in_crypto LIKE ?";
//prepare the statement
if($prepare = mysqli_prepare($link, $coin)){
// Bind variables to the prepared statement as parameters
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($prepare, "s", $param_term);
// Set parameters
$param_term = $_REQUEST["term"] . '%';
// Attempt to execute the prepared statement
$result = mysqli_stmt_get_result($prepare);
// Check number of rows in the result set
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
// Fetch result rows as an associative array
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
echo "<p>" . $row["Tables_in_crypto"] . "</p>";
} else{
echo "<p>no result</p>";
} else{
echo "ERROR: $coin. " . mysqli_error($link);
// Close statement
// close connection
<script type="text/javascript" src="data.js"></script>
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I don't deserve a credit for myself because everything i find mainly is on stackoverflow (after many hours spent) just I model everything to my own needs and like to give back in return.
If your page has no pagination a nice and easy way to live search all the items in javascript by doing the following (the html code may not be related to the script):
-you need to use XPath in chrome dev tools, to get the element needed:(right click on an element node->Copy -> copy full xpath)
-lets say we want to search for all the <h2>
text tags inside
<input type="text" placeholder="search" id="search" onkeyup="myFunction()"></input>
<ul id="myList" class="myList-class">
<li><h2>item 1<h2></li>
<li><h2>item 2<h2></li>
//the script below is not related to the tags above, but just to give you an idea.
function myFunction() {
var lis = document.querySelectorAll('.columns-3.products.snip-ul > li');//get all the <li> tags, change it to your needs(get the value from Ranorex selocity extension in chrome).
var x = document.getElementById("search").value; //item to search for(textbox)
if (document.getElementById("search").value.length == 0) { //if nothing is typed in textbox get all the products back
lis.forEach(node=>node.setAttribute("style","display:flex")); // restore all the display attribute to flex
for (var i = 1; li = lis[i-1]; i++) {
var searchTitles = ((document.evaluate('/html/body/div[1]/ul/li[' + i + ']/div/div[2]/a/h2/text()', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue).data);
//change the above xpath to your own needs : (document.evaluate('XPATH HERE', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue).data;
// li.parentNode.removeChild(li);
if (searchTitles.toLowerCase().includes(x.toLowerCase())) {
document.evaluate('/html/body/div[1]/ul/li[' + i + ']', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null) = "display:flex";
} else {
document.evaluate('/html/body/div[1]/ul/li[' + i + ']', document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null) = "display:none"; //hide all <li> tags
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 206028
"keyup input"
, use just the "input"
your input values, you don't want an empty space to trigger a search for data!$.get()
) request while one is already on the way. Instead create a setTimeout throttle which - only once the user stopped typing for N milliseconds the request will be triggered.jQuery($ => { // DOM ready and $ alias in scope
const search = ($input) => {
const input = $input.val().trim(); // Trim your strings!
const $result = $".result");
if (!input) {
return; // end it here
$.get("table.php", {term: input}).done((data) => {
// Exercise for the reader:
// Make sure data is an Object
// create "<p>" elements with text and populate $result
let searchCooldown; // Search input cooldown
$(document).on("input", ".search", function() {
clearTimeout(searchCooldown); // clear occurring search timeout
searchCooldown = setTimeout(() => {
search($(this)); // will be triggered once user stops typing for 300ms
}, 300); // 300ms seems like a good typing timeout?!
tags inside a PHP file — which its only job should be querying the data from a database and returning it.echo json_encode($result);
. If you need to attach also an "error"
property to your $result
data JSON, do so.Upvotes: 3