Reputation: 33
. I have a task about ABC analysis revenue by Clients, Items, SalesPersons, etc. And I've created it according to measures below. And now I'm strugling with filtering by categories A,B,C separately. For example, I made segmentation by A,B,C for Clients Revenue. And then I need to filter Items Revenue corresponding to "A" Clients Revenue. Table Revenue includes Client_key, Item_key, Amount fields. Maybe you can recommend a solution how to display now Item,Amount in a separate table which would correspond to Clients_key fitting for "A" category?
What I have:
_Key_Measures[NeededRevenue] = SUMX(filter(SUMMARIZE(Revenue,Revenue[Client_Key],Revenue[Item_Key],"Cat",_Key_Measures[ClientABC],"Rev",[TotalRev]),[Cat]="A"),[Rev])
But it doesn't work properly. As
isn't correctly summarized Client_key and Item_key (not all Item_key are summarized ).
But if we remove "Cat",_Key_Measures[ClientABC] from that, SUMMARIZation works properly.
_Key_Measure[ClientABC] = if([ClientRevC%] <=0.7, "A",if([ClientRevC%]<=0.9, "B","C"))
ClientRevC% = var CurrentTotal=SUM(Revenue[Amount]) var TotalRev=calculate([TotalRev], ALLSELECTED(Revenue)) var CumTotal= SUMX( filter(SUMMARIZE(ALLSELECTED(Revenue),Clients[Client],"Revenue Total",SUM(Revenue[Amount])), [Revenue Total]>=CurrentTotal), [Revenue Total]) return divide(CumTotal,TotalRev,0)
TotalRev = sum(Revenue[Amount])
Thank you in adavance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1107
Reputation: 33
I've solved the problem.
I've created Measure for calculating Revenue by Items according to the selected A,B,C category:
`TotalRevClientCategoryItem =
var CatValue =SELECTEDVALUE(CategoryABC[CategoryABC])
var tmpClients= filter(calculatetable(SUMMARIZE(Revenue,Revenue[Client_Key],"Cat",_Key_Measures[ClientABC]),REMOVEFILTERS(Item[Item_Key])),[Cat]=CatValue) --selecting clients accirding to A,B,C or All categories. REMOVEFILTERS(Item[Item_Key]) - it's used for selecting all Clients, not only those matching to the Item in the current row.
var tmpClientswithLineAge = TREATAS(tmpClients,Revenue[Client_Key],CategoryABC[CategoryABC]) --restoring LineAge with Revenue table
return if(Catvalue="All",[TotalRev],CALCULATE(SUM(Revenue[Amount]),tmpClientswithLineAge))
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Reputation: 33
Thank you for so fast and detail response. Yes, you are right, the steps suggested by you are more logical and correct. And in general it works, but not quite correctly again. And I've realised why? The reason is in dynamic filtering by A, B, C. At step 2,
CALCULATE([ClientABC], Revenue[Client_Key]=baseTable[Client_Key] -- the value you have in the row
,Revenue[Item_Key]=baseTable[Item_Key] -- the value you have in the row
we get Clients segmenting by A, B, C categories based on Item_key in the row (A, B, C categories are formed dynamically according to measure [ClientABC]). That wouldn't be the list of all Clients segmenting by A, B, C.
And sure, I don't forget about report filters as well. I've coded it in the same way as you.
Thank you very much. I think I have to apply some ALL, ALLEXCEPT or Keepfilters in some place.
Or I can use the following measure where
tmpClients= filter(SUMMARIZE(Revenue,Revenue[Client_Key],"Cat",_Key_Measures[ClientABC]),
c= CONCATENATEX (tmpClients,Revenue[Client_Key],", " )
and here I'm getting like: bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f, bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f, bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f
???but I need in quotes: "bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f", "bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f", "bf6a59c2-068c-11ec-b83a-0cc47aa8e53f", ...
Revenue[Item_Key],"Revenue Total",SUM(Revenue[Amount]))
Total",SUM(Revenue[Amount])),Revenue[Client_Key] in {c})
THe result is:
var tmpClients=
var c= CONCATENATEX (tmpClients,Revenue[Client_Key],", " )
return { SUMX(FILTER(SUMMARIZE(Revenue,Revenue[Client_Key],
,Revenue[Client_Key] in {c})
,[Revenue Total])}
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Reputation: 2103
it's difficult to give a proper answer. First, I would ask about measures details (the code). Then, using of summirize and calculations in the same expression can cause problems, because of context change. So, I follow recomendations to devide the operation into 2 steps like:
VAR baseTable =
,Revenue[Client_Key]=baseTable[Client_Key] -- the value you have in the row
,Revenue[Item_Key]=baseTable[Item_Key] -- the value you have in the row
So, with a following syntax, you get a controled value
VAR completeTable =
Then the end of measure
VAR endTable =
In my ABC I use following:
--.... some code then:
VAR Val = SELECTEDVALUE('_SetOf_3'[ABC - class],BLANK())
-- '_SetOf_3' is an auxiliary table with preseted values. I made a slicer of it.
VAR Real_filtered_byClass =
VAR Result =
Don't forget about your report filters as well. Hope this can help you. If not, then give your measures details.
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