Reputation: 1364
I have below 2 queries. The first query retrieves the literacy rate from CIA Factbook endpoint available at The second query is for the data gov endpoint available at
PREFIX ns: <>
SELECT ?country ?literacy_male WHERE {
?s ns:literacy_male ?literacy_male.
?s ns:name ?country.FILTER regex(?country, "", "i")}
PREFIX dgp32: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?magnitude ?region WHERE { GRAPH <>
?entry dgp32:magnitude ?magnitude .
?entry dgp32:region ?region.
filter ( xsd:float(?magnitude) > 5 )}}
I want to be able to retrieve the URL of each of the country's Wikipedia page retrieved from running each of these queries.How can i combine each query separately to a DBpedia query to retrieve Wikipedia page URL.I am unable to formulate a query
Can someone please help me
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1151
Reputation: 16525
Definitely the SPARQL constructor SERVICE
would be appropriate if the datasets that you try to join are somehow connected. This seems to not be the case.
Earthquake information from the RPI SPARQL endpoint refers only to US regions or US States. See the result of the following query:
PREFIX dgp32: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
?entry dgp32:magnitude ?magnitude .
?entry dgp32:region ?region.
on regions doesn't give you a link to a CIA FactBook URI (see here).
So I am afraid that you are trying to run a join for two datasets that:
Answer to your comment
For getting literacy rates (CIA Factobook) and Countries' Wikipedia page (Dbpdia) you can use OpenLinkSw lod cache and the following query:
PREFIX ns: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dbpedia: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?s ?x ?wikiPage ?literacy_male WHERE {
?s ns:literacy_male ?literacy_male.
?x a dbpedia:Country .
?x owl:sameAs ?s .
?x foaf:page ?wikiPage .
Bear in mind that you can do the same by using First run a query on CIA Factbook enpoint, second fetch the sameAs bundles from and; third, resolve those in order to get the foaf:page
Upvotes: 3