Reputation: 1
If an entire row of null values is inserted into my table, I am wanting to execute a trigger to change all columns the newly inserted row to the average instead of null.
I have created the trigger function:
create or replace function teammate_null_check()
returns trigger as
if new.score is null then new.score = (select avg(score) from doubles.teammate);
elsif new.goals is null then new.goals = (select avg(goals) from doubles.teammate);
elsif new.assists is null then new.assists = (select avg(assists) from doubles.teammate);
elsif new.saves is null then new.saves = (select avg(saves) from doubles.teammate);
elsif new.shots is null then new.shots = (select avg(shots) from doubles.teammate);
end if;
return new;
$$ language plpgsql
And the trigger event:
create trigger teammate_trigger
before insert on doubles.teammate
for each row
execute procedure teammate_null_check()
However when I insert a null value for all columns on my table, the trigger only sets the first column (score) to the average. I've tried using ifelse and a case statement and they both only update the first column.
This is what the table looks like after insert:
score | goals | assist | saves | shots |
1234 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1234 | null | null | null | null |
How can I update all columns if the entire row is inserted null?
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Views: 760
Reputation: 49393
ELsif for the alghorithm to choose only one column, but if ypu want all columns t be checked, you need to check eac column individually
create or replace function teammate_null_check()
returns trigger as
if new.score is null then
new.score = (select avg(score) from doubles.teammate);
end if;
if new.goals is null then new.goals = (select avg(goals) from doubles.teammate); end if;
if new.assists is null then new.assists = (select avg(assists) from doubles.teammate); end if;
if new.saves is null then new.saves = (select avg(saves) from doubles.teammate); end if;
if new.shots is null then new.shots = (select avg(shots) from doubles.teammate);
end if;
return new;
$$ language plpgsql
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