Reputation: 3193
I've been using the Twitter gem in my latest Rails app, and so far have had no problems. I've registered the app, have set the API tokens in config/initializers/twitter.rb
, and have tested that it works in a custom rake test that requires the gem. The problem, however, is that when I try to send a tweet form a controller, nothing happens. My initializer looks like so:
require 'twitter'
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = '###'
config.consumer_secret = '###'
config.oauth_token = '###'
config.oauth_token_secret = '###'
The ###
are filled in correctly in my app, obviously. In my rake file, I require the gem at the top of the file, and am then able to send a test tweet with Twitter.update(tweet)
however, the same syntax does not work from my controllers.
What am I doing wrong here? Do I need to re-initialize the gem from the controller?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1235
Reputation: 3193
After some tinkering, this is the simple solution:
@twitter =
Adding that to my controller method worked perfectly, since the Twitter client had already been authenticated when the app started. This is the app sending out tweets, by the way, not users sending tweets through the app, so I didn't need to re-authenticate.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9529
I am also using the Twitter gem and I use and authorizations controller for my oath, direct messages controller for Twitter DMs, and ajax on the front. The AppConfig is just a yml file that has my creds in it.
class AuthorizationsController < ApplicationController
def new
render :update do |page|
page.redirect_to @oauth.request_token.authorize_url
def show
@oauth ||=['consumer']['token'], AppConfig['consumer']['secret'])
@oauth.authorize_from_request(session['rtoken'], session['rsecret'], params[:oauth_verifier])
session['rtoken'] = nil
session['rsecret'] = nil
session['atoken'] = @oauth.access_token.token
session['asecret'] = @oauth.access_token.secret
redirect_path = session['admin'] ? admin_tweets_path : root_path
redirect_to redirect_path
class DirectMessagesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authorize
def create
@client.update("@#{AppConfig['user']} #{params[:tweet][:text]}")
render :update do |page|
page.replace_html 'tweet_update', "Your tweet has been sent to #{AppConfig['user']} and should be updated momentarily."
- form_remote_tag :url => direct_messages_url, :method => :post, :loading => "$('tweet_update').hide();$('loading').show()", :complete => "$('tweet_update').show();$('loading').hide()" do
%div{:class => "subheader float_left"}Tweet to Whoever
- if session_set?
%input{:type => "image", :src=>"/images/sendButton.jpg", :class =>"float_right", :style=>"margin-bottom: 4px"}
- else
%div{:class => "float_right", :id => "twitter_login_button"}= link_to_remote image_tag('twitter-darker.png'), :url => new_authorization_url, :method => :get
- textarea_options = {:id => "tweetbox", :style => "overflow: auto", :rows => "", :cols => ""}
- textarea_value = nil
- unless session_set?
- textarea_options.merge!(:disabled => "disabled")
- textarea_value = "Please login to tweet Whoever!"
= text_area_tag 'tweet[text]', textarea_value, textarea_options
My before filter 'authorize' just checks session:
def authorize
session_set? ? set_client : redirect_to(new_authorization_url)
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 1