Reputation: 724
I am trying to print to Xprinter 365B 80mm thermal printer through Bluetooth on flutter (unsing an Android device - check multiple devices) and cannot get it to print.
The printer is working fine with native Android / IOS applications by in both through bluetooth,
I have managed to connect/disconnect with the printer, but nothing happens, the app is notifying the command sent to the printer, sending any type of data, including text/image/esc codes. No error massage, just not printing.
I have implemented numerous libraries from pub dev for Bluetooth printers like:
One assumption I have is that it is all about the configuration of the printing mode,
In one of the apps I found a way to select "Mode", it has 3 different modes:
My printer is printing only when working with TSC mode
I believe if I could set the mode in the code, I will be able to print, but I didn't figure out a way to do it.
Here are relevant parts of the code I am using (with print_bluetooth_thermal / esc_pos libraries from
Query Bluetooth devices:
Future<void> getBluetoothDevices() async {
final List<BluetoothInfo> listResult =
await PrintBluetoothThermal.pairedBluetooths;
if (listResult.isEmpty) {
_msg =
"There are no bluetooth devices linked, go to settings and link the printer";
} else {
_msg = "Touch an item in the list to connect";
setState(() {
items = listResult;
Connect with the printer
Future<void> connect(String mac) async {
setState(() {
_connecting = true;
final bool result =
await PrintBluetoothThermal.connect(macPrinterAddress: mac);
print("state connected $result");
if (result) connected = true;
setState(() {
_connecting = false;
print a full ticket:
Future<List<int>> testTicket() async {
List<int> bytes = [];
final profile = await CapabilityProfile.load();
final generator = Generator(PaperSize.mm58, profile);
bytes += generator.reset();
final ByteData data = await rootBundle.load('assets/myLogo.jpg');
final Uint8List bytesImg = data.buffer.asUint8List();
final image = img.decodeImage(bytesImg);
bytes += generator.image(image!);
bytes += generator.text(
'Regular: aA bB cC dD eE fF gG hH iI jJ kK lL mM nN oO pP qQ rR sS tT uU vV wW xX yY zZ',
styles: const PosStyles());
bytes += generator.text('Special 1: ñÑ àÀ èÈ éÉ üÜ çÇ ôÔ',
styles: const PosStyles(codeTable: 'CP1252'));
bytes += generator.text(
'Special 2: blåbærgrød',
styles: const PosStyles(codeTable: 'CP1252'),
bytes += generator.text('Bold text', styles: const PosStyles(bold: true));
bytes +=
generator.text('Reverse text', styles: const PosStyles(reverse: true));
bytes += generator.text('Underlined text',
styles: const PosStyles(underline: true), linesAfter: 1);
bytes += generator.text('Align left',
styles: const PosStyles(align: PosAlign.left));
bytes += generator.text('Align center',
styles: const PosStyles(align:;
bytes += generator.text('Align right',
styles: const PosStyles(align: PosAlign.right), linesAfter: 1);
bytes += generator.row([
text: 'col3',
width: 3,
styles: const PosStyles(align:, underline: true),
text: 'col6',
width: 6,
styles: const PosStyles(align:, underline: true),
text: 'col3',
width: 3,
styles: const PosStyles(align:, underline: true),
final List<int> barData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 4];
bytes += generator.barcode(Barcode.upcA(barData));
//QR code
bytes += generator.qrcode('');
bytes += generator.text(
'Text size 50%',
styles: const PosStyles(
fontType: PosFontType.fontB,
bytes += generator.text(
'Text size 100%',
styles: const PosStyles(
fontType: PosFontType.fontA,
bytes += generator.text(
'Text size 200%',
styles: const PosStyles(
height: PosTextSize.size2,
width: PosTextSize.size2,
bytes += generator.feed(2);
//bytes += generator.cut();
return bytes;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3003
Reputation: 1
print label(tsc) (i use xprinter for print ticket)
Upvotes: 0