Reputation: 71
I am trying to optimize some inputs to a third party software. This software utilizes a series of input files that are created by separate executables and are then merged together into a single input file for the primary executable. The goal is essentially to optimize the 2D location of springs under a steel pad, while ensuring the springs don't overlap and remain underneath the pad. Below are the optimization function and the function to be optimized which lie within an overall class.
# This function will optimize the position of the current springs in a thrust bearing using GENMAT using mystic
def SpringPositionAngGAPmystic_Opt_Par(self, InitialSpringList):
# Import local packages
import datetime
from random import randint, random
# Import contrains, penalties, and solvers
from mystic.symbolic import generate_constraint, generate_solvers, solve
from mystic.symbolic import generate_penalty, generate_conditions
from mystic.solvers import DifferentialEvolutionSolver2,diffev2
# if available, use a pathos worker pool
from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool
from multiprocessing import current_process
except ImportError:
from mystic.pools import SerialPool as ProcessingPool
print('Performing Serial Analysis')
# tools
from mystic.termination import NormalizedChangeOverGeneration as NCOG
from mystic.monitors import VerboseMonitor
# This function will read in and run the spring executable with spring replacement
def SingleSpringPositionRun(x0):
# Declare the global variables
caseID = str('.','p').replace(r' ', '_').replace(':', 'c').replace('-', 'd')
caseID = caseID + '_' + str(current_process().pid)
# Create temporary work directory
WorkDir = WorkDir_glob + '\\' + caseID + '\\'
if not os.path.exists(WorkDir):
# Record the spring locations
AppendData(self.DatFile[:-4]+'SpLoc.txt', [x0])
# Calculate the number of springs
NumSprings = int(len(x0)/2)
# Unpack the spring position inputs
SpringArray = [[x0[i], x0[i + NumSprings]] for i in range(0, NumSprings)]
# Create spring class
SpringIns = Spring(SpringXLIn_glob, GENMATDir_glob, WorkDir, SpringRunFile_glob, SpringRunInputFile_glob)
# Read in the spring geometry
# Replace the old springs with the input springs
# Create the spring parameters
# Run the spring executable
# Create general class and run it
GeneralIns = General(GeneralXLIn_glob, GENMATDir_glob, WorkDir, GeneralRunFile_glob, GeneralRunInputFile_glob)
(NumLoadCases, _, _, _, _) = GeneralIns.getLoads()
# Create the gmdata file
# If a trailing edge recess is included
if (self.TERecessFlag == 1):
# Extract the number of springs
self.NumSprings = SpringIns.GetNumSprings()
# Extract Pad Geometry information
[self.brgOD, self.brgID, self.PadAngle, self.GSpringDia] = SpringIns.GetPadSpringProp()
# Extract mesh ingormation
(self.OilFilmGridRadial, self.OilFilmGridCircum, self.GridThruFilm,
self.GridThruPad) = GeneralIns.getMeshData()
# Add the trailing edge recess
# Save a backup of the gmdata file
# Post process the results
[success, MinFilmThick] = PostProcessGENMATSpringPos(caseID, WorkDir)
# If a read error occurs marke the case a failure
if not success:
MinFilmThick = -mm.FailValue1
# Remove the remporary working directory
return 1000.0-MinFilmThick
# Initialize the data file
# Initialize the spring location file
InitializeFile(self.DatFile[:-4]+'SpLoc.txt', 'Spring Locations [x0, x1,..., xn, y0, y1,..., yn]\n')
# Define global variables for creation based on GENMAT class
SpringXLIn_glob = self.SpringXLIn
GENMATDir_glob = self.GENMATDir
WorkDir_glob = self.workDir
SpringRunFile_glob = self.SpringRunFile
SpringRunInputFile_glob = self.SpringRunInputFile
GeneralXLIn_glob = self.GenXLIn
GeneralRunFile_glob = self.GeneralRunFile
GeneralRunInputFile_glob = self.GeneralRunInputFile
# Unpack initial spring list
initSprings = [float(InitialSpringList[i][j]) for j in range(0, 2) for i in range(0, len(InitialSpringList))]
# Define derived variables used in the optimization
self.innerRad = self.brgID/2
self.outerRad = self.brgOD/2
self.innerCord = 2*(self.brgID/2)*mm.sind(self.PadAngle/2)
self.RadInSq = self.innerRad**2
self.RadOutSq = self.outerRad**2
# Define constants for nonlinear edge constraints
self.edgeConst1 = (self.PadAngle/2+90)*np.pi/180
self.edgeConst2 = (90-self.PadAngle/2)*np.pi/180
# Initialize constraint array
constArray = []
# Add the nonlinear constraint for all the spring-spring relationships
constArray = constraintsSp2Sp(constArray, len(InitialSpringList))
# Add the nonlinear constraint for all the spring-edge relationships
constArray = constraintsSp2Edge(constArray, len(InitialSpringList))
# Convert the constraints string array to constraints
for constraint in constArray:
constStr = constStr + constraint + '\n'
pf = generate_penalty(generate_conditions(constStr), k=1e12)
# dimensional information
#from import random_seed
ndim = len(initSprings)
nbins = 8 #[2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1]
# configure monitor
stepmon = VerboseMonitor(10)
# Run the optimization
pool = ProcessingPool(nodes=4)
#springList = []
#for i in range(0, 4):
# springList.append([])
# for j in range(0, len(initSprings)):
# springList[i].append(initSprings[j] + (random() - 0.5))
#print(, springList))
res = diffev2(SingleSpringPositionRun, x0=initSprings, penalty=pf,, gtol = 20,
intermon=stepmon, npop = 10, disp=True, full_output=True)
When I run the code, I get the following error:
cannot pickle 'PyCapsule' object
However, I can get the following code to run in parallel (when uncommented above) which I would expect to have the same issue.
springList = []
for i in range(0, 4):
for j in range(0, len(initSprings)):
springList[i].append(initSprings[j] + (random() - 0.5))
print(, springList))
Is there some difference between these two methods that would be leading to the issue occurring only with diffev2?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 357
Reputation: 35247
I'm the author of mystic
(and pathos
, dill
, multiprocess
). A recent change in numpy
resulted in mystic
sometimes throwing a PyCapsule
serialization error when the differential evolution solver is run with pathos.multiprocessing
. If you update your dill
to include the patch for Issue #477, then your code should work as expected.
Upvotes: 2