Dan Luba
Dan Luba

Reputation: 124

Next.js 12, Jest & Testing Library (Rust compiler setup) error: "Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled"

I am setting up Jest & React Testing Library in Next.js 12.1.6, using the new Rust compiler setup, as described here. Jest-only testing is fine, but when I try to render a component in my test file, I get an error:

"Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled (11:12)"

My understanding of how Next.js and/or Babel and Jest all work together under the hood is sketchy at best, but the way I understand it, Babel is bypassed when using the Next.js 12 Rust compiler. I figure that the JSX is supposed to be transformed by Next before it gets to Jest, and I figure that this is not happening. I have no idea what additional configuration I could even attempt in order to fix this. I can't find any hints online, and nobody else seems to be having the same problem. I have read numerous articles and watched a plethora of videos featuring people breezing through the same setup. I have retraced their steps to no avail.

So, I decided to try and set Jest up to use Babel for the transformation, keeping the existing configuration and adding a .babelrc file:

       "presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"]

and then adding the following line to my customJestConfig in jest.config.js (and installing the appropriate modules, of course.

    transform: {"\\.[jt]sx?$": "babel-jest"}

I don't know whether this idea was sensible or comical, but either way it didn't work.

How can I resolve this situation so that I am able to use JSX with Jest & Testing Library using the Rust compiler setup?

    // package.json
      "name": "my-app",
      "version": "0.1.0",
      "private": true,
      "scripts": {
        "dev": "next dev",
        "build": "next build",
        "start": "next start",
        "lint": "next lint"
      "dependencies": {
        "next": "12.1.6",
        "react": "17.0.2",
        "react-dom": "17.0.2",
        "react-redux": "^7.2.6",
        "@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.7.2",
        "next-redux-wrapper": "^7.0.5"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@types/node": "18.0.0",
        "@types/react": "18.0.14",
        "@types/react-dom": "18.0.5",
        "eslint": "8.18.0",
        "eslint-config-next": "12.1.6",
        "typescript": "4.7.4",
        "jest": "28.1.1",
        "@types/jest": "28.1.2",
        "jest-environment-jsdom": "28.1.1",
        "@testing-library/jest-dom": "5.16.4",
        "@testing-library/react": "13.3.0",
        "@testing-library/user-event": "14.2.1"

    // jest.config.js
    import nextJest from "next/jest";
    const createJestConfig = nextJest({dir: '.'})
    const customJestConfig = {
        testEnvironment: "jest-environment-jsdom",
        clearMocks: true,
        moduleDirectories: ["node_modules", "<rootDir>/"],
        setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/jest.setup.js'],
        transform: {"\\.[jt]sx?$": "babel-jest"}
    export default createJestConfig(customJestConfig)

    // jest.setup.js
    import "@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect"

    // example-test.test.tsx
    import {render, screen} from "@testing-library/react"
    import userEvent from "@testing-library/user-event";
    import Home from "../pages/index"
    it("renders Home", function () {
        render(<Home />)
        const heading = screen.getByRole('heading', {
            name: /test/i,

Upvotes: 2

Views: 1112

Answers (1)

Dan Luba
Dan Luba

Reputation: 124

OK. I have resolved this issue. Here is what had happened:

For reasons that I do not understand, when I installed the Jest & Testing Library node packages, a new package.json file was created outside of my project root and the packages were added as dev dependencies there, rather than being added to my actual package.json file.

Because of this, when I installed @testing-library/react, the latest version of which requires React 18, NPM did not register that I have React 17 installed (because next-redux-wrapper doesn't seem to be working with React 18 for now), so it happily went ahead and installed everything, leaving me with an invalid Testing Library setup.

After I realized what had been happening with my package.json file, took steps to remedy that, and tried to reinstall my Jest and Testing Library packages, NPM threw an error telling me about the dependency conflict. I checked the @testing-library/react documentation and decided to try version 12.1.5 because it turns out that version 13.0 introduces breaking changes with React 17.

Everything is working fine, now.

Upvotes: 2

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