
Reputation: 437

Issues connected to creating a nls model in R

I am willing to interpolate two curves, according to the function Curing ~ a * atan(b * Time), fitting the data reported in the code below. I am getting two problems with this:


RawData <- data.frame("Time" = c(0, 4, 8, 24, 28, 32, 0, 4, 8, 24, 28, 32), "Curing" = c(0, 28.57, 56.19, 86.67, 89.52, 91.42, 0, 85.71, 93.33, 94.28, 97.62, 98.09), "Grade" = c("Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product A", "Product B", "Product B", "Product B", "Product B", "Product B", "Product B"))

model <- nls(Curing ~ a * atan(b * Time), data= RawData, control=nls.control(printEval=TRUE, minFactor=2^-24, warnOnly=TRUE)) <- data.frame(time=seq(1, 32, by = 0.1))
interval <- as_tibble(predFit(model, newdata =, interval = "confidence", level= 0.9)) %>% mutate(Time = RawData$Time)

The first is an error as soon as I input the last line: Error in assign(xname, newdata[, xname]) : first argument not valid I have tried to change the values of without success. If I remove the optional argument newdata = I can fit, but it looks like the fitting is made interpolating the whole set of data without differentiating the two series.

enter image description here

Below the command lines for getting the graph:

Graph <- ggplot(data=RawData, aes(x=`Time`, y=`Curing`, col=Grade)) + geom_point(aes(color = Grade), shape = 1, size = 2.5) 

Graph + geom_line(data=interval, aes(x = Time, y = fit))+
      geom_ribbon(data=interval, aes(x=Time, ymin=lwr, ymax=upr), alpha=0.5, inherit.aes=F, fill="blue")+

Is it possible to have both: a smooth and series-separated fitting?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 165

Answers (1)

Allan Cameron
Allan Cameron

Reputation: 174478

Your error is caused by a typo (time instead of Time in However, this will not fix the problem of getting one ribbon for each series.

To do this as a one-off, you will need two separate models for the two different sets of data. It is best to use the split-apply-bind idiom to create a single prediction data frame. It also helps plotting if this has a Grade column and the fit column is renamed to Curing


pred_df <-, lapply(split(RawData, RawData$Grade), function(d) { <- data.frame(Time = seq(0, 32, by = 0.1))
  nls(Curing ~ a * atan(b * Time), data = d, start = list(a = 5, b = 1)) %>%
  predFit(newdata =, interval = "confidence", level = 0.9) %>%
  as_tibble() %>%
  mutate(Time =$Time,
         Grade = d$Grade[1],
         Curing = fit)

This then allows the plot to be quite straightforward:

ggplot(data = RawData, aes(x = Time, y = Curing, color = Grade)) + 
  geom_point(shape = 1, size = 2.5) +
  geom_ribbon(data = pred_df, aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr, fill = Grade),
              alpha = 0.3, color = NA) +
  geom_line(data = pred_df) +
  theme_classic(base_size = 16) 

enter image description here

General approach

I think this is quite a useful technique, and might be of broader interest, so a more general solution if one wishes to plot confidence bands with an nls model using geom_smooth would be to create little wrappers around nls and predFit:

nls_se <- function(formula, data, start, ...) {
  mod <- nls(formula, data, start)
  class(mod) <- "nls_se"

predict.nls_se <- function(model, newdata, level = 0.9, ...) {
  class(model) <- "nls"
  p <- investr::predFit(model, newdata = newdata, 
                        interval = "confidence", level = level)
  list(fit = p, = p[,3] - p[,1])

This allows very simple plotting with ggplot:

ggplot(data = RawData, aes(x = Time, y = Curing, color = Grade)) + 
  geom_point(size = 2.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = nls_se, formula = y ~ a * atan(b * x),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 5, b = 1))) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) 

enter image description here

To put both prediction and confidence bands, we can do:

nls_se <- function(formula, data, start, type = "confidence", ...) {
  mod <- nls(formula, data, start)
  class(mod) <- "nls_se"
  attr(mod, "type") <- type

predict.nls_se <- function(model, newdata, level = 0.9, interval, ...) {
  class(model) <- "nls"
  p <- investr::predFit(model, newdata = newdata, 
                        interval = attr(model, "type"), level = level)
  list(fit = p, = p[,3] - p[,1])

ggplot(data = RawData, aes(x = Time, y = Curing, color = Grade)) + 
  geom_point(size = 2.5) +
  geom_smooth(method = nls_se, formula = y ~ a * atan(b * x), 
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 5, b = 1),
                                 type = "prediction"), alpha = 0.2,
              aes(fill = after_scale(color))) +  
  geom_smooth(method = nls_se, formula = y ~ a * atan(b * x),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 5, b = 1)),
              aes(fill = after_scale(color))) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) 

enter image description here

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