Reputation: 121
I'm deploying Azure services by using Bicep. The property 'identity type system assigned' creates an enterprise application/service principal with a name, object id and app id. This is required to be able to process Azure Analysis Services from a Synapse pipeline.
//Create Synapse Analytics
resource synapseAnalytics 'Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces@2021-06-01' = {
name: synapse_name
location: region
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned'
properties: {
defaultDataLakeStorage: {
filesystem: storage_account_fileshare_name
accountUrl: storage_account_url
createManagedPrivateEndpoint: true
managedVirtualNetwork: 'default'
publicNetworkAccess: 'Enabled'
managedResourceGroupName: synapse_workspace_name
azureADOnlyAuthentication: false
cspWorkspaceAdminProperties: {
initialWorkspaceAdminObjectId: xxxx
dependsOn: [
I need to retrieve the app id of the created resource to add to Azure Analysis Service as an administrator.
resource analysisServices 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers@2017-08-01' = {
name: anaylsis_services_name
location: region
sku: {
name: 'B1'
tier: 'Basic'
capacity: 1
properties: {
asAdministrators: {
members: [
'app:{GET APP ID OF SYNAPSE}' <------------------
managedMode: 1
How can I access the app id in my Bicep code?
I'm able to retrieve the app id by using a powershell command. Unfortunately this command needs an object id which I'm not able to retrieve by using powershell commands.
az ad sp show --id {object-id} --query appId
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1028
Reputation: 29736
Using a system-assigned identity, you can't get the appId directly from bicep.
But you could output the principalId
//Create Synapse Analytics
resource synapseAnalytics 'Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces@2021-06-01' = {
name: synapse_name
// return the principalId to query the appId
output principalId string = synapseAnalytics.identity.principalId
You can then use the principalId to get the appId
az ad sp show --id <principalId from bicep> --query appId
Using a user-assigned identity, you would be able to do it all in bicep:
// Create a user identity for synapse
resource userAssignedIdentity 'Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities@2018-11-30' = {
name: userAssignedIdentityName
location: region
//Create Synapse Analytics
resource synapseAnalytics 'Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces@2021-06-01' = {
name: synapse_name
identity: {
type: 'SystemAssigned,UserAssigned'
userAssignedIdentities: {
// assign the managed identity
'${}': {}
// Create the analysis service
resource analysisServices 'Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers@2017-08-01' = {
name: anaylsis_services_name
properties: {
asAdministrators: {
members: [
// Set app id and tenantid as per documentation
Upvotes: 1