Reputation: 10190
I want to draw the lattice of subgroups up to a finite subgroup index of an infinite, discrete space group with a graph drawing tool such as yEd, GraphViz, NetworkX, ...
An Example input file
would be following graphml
file for the two-dimensional space group p4gm up to index 8 (generated by self-written code in gap):
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<key id='idx' for='node''index' attr.type='int' />
<key id='r' for='node''radius' attr.type='double' />
<key id='idx' for='edge''index' attr.type='int' />
<graph id='G' edgedefault='directed'>
<node id='01'> <data key='idx'>1</data> <data key='r'>0.</data> </node>
<node id='02'> <data key='idx'>2</data> <data key='r'>0.33333333333333337</data> </node>
<node id='03'> <data key='idx'>2</data> <data key='r'>0.33333333333333337</data> </node>
<node id='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> <data key='r'>0.33333333333333337</data> </node>
<node id='05'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='06'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='07'> <data key='idx'>6</data> <data key='r'>0.8616541669070521</data> </node>
<node id='08'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='09'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='10'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='11'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='12'> <data key='idx'>4</data> <data key='r'>0.66666666666666674</data> </node>
<node id='13'> <data key='idx'>6</data> <data key='r'>0.8616541669070521</data> </node>
<node id='14'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='15'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='16'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='17'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='18'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='19'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='20'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='21'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='22'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='23'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='24'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='25'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<node id='26'> <data key='idx'>8</data> <data key='r'>1.</data> </node>
<edge id='e01' target='02' source='01'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e02' target='03' source='01'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e03' target='04' source='01'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e04' target='05' source='02'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e05' target='06' source='02'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e06' target='07' source='02'> <data key='idx'>3</data> </edge>
<edge id='e07' target='06' source='03'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e08' target='08' source='03'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e09' target='06' source='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e10' target='10' source='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e11' target='11' source='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e12' target='09' source='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e13' target='12' source='04'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e14' target='13' source='04'> <data key='idx'>3</data> </edge>
<edge id='e15' target='14' source='05'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e16' target='15' source='05'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e17' target='14' source='06'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e18' target='16' source='06'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e19' target='17' source='06'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e20' target='18' source='06'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e21' target='16' source='08'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e22' target='19' source='08'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e23' target='18' source='09'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e24' target='20' source='09'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e25' target='14' source='10'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e26' target='16' source='11'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e27' target='21' source='11'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e28' target='22' source='11'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e29' target='23' source='11'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e30' target='18' source='12'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e31' target='21' source='12'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e32' target='24' source='12'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e33' target='25' source='12'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
<edge id='e34' target='26' source='12'> <data key='idx'>2</data> </edge>
I have anonymous-ed the data to focus on the graph drawing.
I am looking for a graph drawing tool which can layout the nodes on a radial layout, similar to a radial tree but can draw non-straight edges to avoid edge-node crossings. Edge-edge crossing are fine. Ideally however, a viewer can follow each edge from source to target node.
yEd (3.22)
provides a radial layout which can draw edges as arcs or curved to avoid edge-node crossings:
However, the nodes are placed on the same concentric circle based on the shortest distance to the center, measured by number of traversed edges.
But I want to place the nodes based on their subgroup index (to be precise the logarithm of the index). In the above picture the nodes with index 6 are on the same circle as the nodes with index 4 which is not what I want.
NetworkX (2.8.4)
has the shell layout which allows you to assign manually the nodes to the shells
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import log
G = nx.read_graphml("ITC_2_012_idx8.graphml")
indices = set([idx for n, idx in'index')])
radii = [log(idx)/log(max(indices)) for n, idx in'index')]
shells = [[n for n, idx in'index') if idx == x] for x in indices]
pos = nx.shell_layout(G, shells) # remove box
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos,
labels={n: idx for n, idx in'index')},
However, NetworkX draws only straight edges.
Can GraphViz or another graph drawing tool do what I want?
I have started to create an own layouting and edge routing algorithm which results in following style of drawing:
However, this is unfinished and becomes a never ending story. So I am hoping that I have overlooked a tool which can give automatically the desired radial layout and suitable edge routes. yEd is the closest tool I have come by (see the first picture of this question).
Upvotes: 1
Views: 907
Reputation: 10190
for node positions & GraphViz neato
for edge routingNeato
is chosen because it respects the graphviz node attribute pos
in combination with pin
With splines
edge routing and the attribute esep
, edge-node crossings can be avoided.
import networkx as nx
import pygraphviz as pgv
from math import log
G = nx.read_graphml('ITC_2_012_idx8.graphml')
indices = set([idx for n, idx in'index')])
radii = [log(idx)/log(max(indices)) for n, idx in'index')]
shells = [[n for n, idx in'index') if idx == x] for x in indices]
pos = nx.shell_layout(G, shells)
A = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G)
A.graph_attr['splines'] = 'spline' # or 'polyline'
A.graph_attr['scale'] = '0.6'
A.graph_attr['esep'] = '0.5' # node-edge distance
A.node_attr['shape'] = 'circle'
A.node_attr['pin'] = 'true'
for k in A.nodes():
n = A.get_node(k)
n.attr['label'] = str(n.attr['index']) # add label
n.attr['pos'] = str(pos[k][0]*10)+','+str(pos[k][1]*10)+'!' # set pos string
# print(A.to_string())
A.layout() # default 'neato' which respects the node attribute 'pos'
A # rich output in Jupyter Notebook/Lab using pygraphviz 1.9, Feb 2022
The edge-node crossings are gone.
However, this solution is not yet as I would like to have it: I would prefer inbound and outbound edges are docked at the nodes on opposite sites (except root node). yEd radial layout with edge routing does this or see my low-res self-made layout and routes.
import networkx as nx
import pygraphviz as pgv
from math import atan2, log, pi
G = nx.read_graphml("ITC_2_012_idx8.graphml")
indices = set([int(idx) for n, idx in'index')])
radii = [log(idx)/log(max(indices)) for n, idx in'index')]
shells = [[n for n, idx in'index') if idx == x] for x in indices]
pos = nx.shell_layout(G, shells)
A = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(G)
pos_factor = 12
A.graph_attr['scale'] = "0.5"
A.graph_attr['esep'] = "1"
A.graph_attr['splines'] = "spline"
A.node_attr['shape'] = "circle"
A.node_attr['pin'] = "true"
for k in A.nodes():
k.attr["label"] = str(k.attr["index"])
k.attr["pos"] = str(pos[k][0]*pos_factor)+','+str(pos[k][1]*pos_factor)+"!"
# Set 'tailport' based on quadrant of tail node
for n1, n2 in A.edges():
if n1 == A.nodes()[0]: # skip root edges
e = A.get_edge(n1, n2)
theta = atan2(pos[n1][1], pos[n1][0])/pi*180.
if -22.5 <= theta < 22.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'e'
elif 22.5 <= theta < 67.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'ne'
elif 67.5 <= theta < 112.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'n'
elif 112.5 <= theta < 157.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'nw'
elif 157.5 <= theta <= 180. or -157.5 > theta > -180.:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'w'
elif -157.5 <= theta <= -112.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'sw'
elif -112.5 <= theta <= -67.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 's'
elif -67.5 <= theta <= -22.5:
e.attr["tailport"] = 'se'
raise ValueError('Quadrant determination failed for node', n1,
'with polar angle', theta)
# Mark problematic edges
A.get_edge('10', '14').attr["color"] = "red"
A.get_edge('04', '06').attr["color"] = "blue"
A.get_edge('06', '18').attr["color"] = "orange"
A.layout() # default 'neato'
However, IMHO the visualisation does not become clearer (easy to grasp the connectivity) since some highly curved edges (e.g. red one) are introduced and there are parallel edge overlaps (e.g. blue and orange).
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13021
First of all, I love your solution to the edge routing, and would love to see the code for that.
Secondly, below is my attempt using netgraph, which is a network visualisation library I wrote (and maintain).
Netgraph is easily installable (pip install netgraph
), and accepts Graph
objects from various network analysis libraries (networkx, igraph, graph-tool), so there shouldn't be any friction.
The shell
node layout uses the so-called median heuristic to order the nodes within a layer to reduce edge crossings.
The curved
edge layout uses a variant of the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm to distribute the edge control points such that edges avoid nodes (and each other) -- where possible.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import networkx as nx
from netgraph import Graph # pip install netgraph
# from the question:
G = nx.read_graphml("tmp/test.graphml")
indices = set([idx for n, idx in'index')])
shells = [[n for n, idx in'index') if idx == x] for x in indices]
radii = [np.log(idx)/np.log(max(indices)) for n, idx in'index')]
node_labels = {n: idx for n, idx in'index')}
# define a bounding box for the node layout
max_radius = np.max(radii)
origin = (-max_radius, -max_radius)
scale = (2 * max_radius, 2 * max_radius)
# initialise a figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
# indicate shells
radii = np.unique(radii)
for radius in radii[::-1]:
ax.add_patch(plt.Circle((0, 0), radius=radius, facecolor='white', edgecolor='lightgray'))
# plot graph on top
g = Graph(G,
node_layout_kwargs=dict(shells=shells, radii=radii),
edge_layout_kwargs=dict(k=0.05), # larger values -> straighter edges
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6763
Graphviz has two radial-ish layout engines: circo & twopi. Both allow desired edge length to be set using the len attribute.
Upvotes: -1