Reputation: 175
This is how I retrieve the information stored in shared preference and later am comparing whether username and password exists. If user is logged in I am able to show another activity.
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences("logindetails", 0);
String username = settings.getString("username", "");
String password = settings.getString("password", "");
But now I am trying to retrieve the username and gender of the user and display in my activity.
I am trying to solve this, but not yet found the convincing result.
Can any one help me to get out of my requirement?
Note: I am also seeing the documents of Facebook developer's page
This is the code I am using to retrieve the user data and display in another activity. What problem am facing is the layout is loaded before the response from the facebook is paresed. I suspect it is because of the use of mAsyncRunner as it takes the control on its own. What I am trying to find out is hwo to parse it before the layout is loaded.
public class FaceBookRetrieval extends Activity{
this.facebookConnector = new FacebookConnect(APP_ID, this,
getApplicationContext(), PERMS);
public class FacebookConnect {
public FacebookConnect fb = null;
private Facebook facebook = null;
private Context context;
private String[] permissions;
public static final String TAG = "FACEBOOK";
private AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner;
private SharedPreferences sharedPrefs;
private ProgressBar pb;
public String fbName, fbGender;
private Activity activity;
public String check = "false";
private SessionListener mSessionListener = new SessionListener();;
public FacebookConnect(String appId, Activity activity, Context context,
String[] permissions) {
this.facebook = new Facebook(appId);
mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(facebook);
SessionStore.restore(facebook, context);
this.context = context;
this.permissions = permissions;
this.activity = activity;
public void login() {
if (!facebook.isSessionValid()) {
facebook.authorize(this.activity, this.permissions,
new LoginDialogListener());
public void getID() {
public boolean isSession() {
sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
String access_token = sharedPrefs.getString("access_token", "x");
Long expires = sharedPrefs.getLong("access_expires", -1);
Log.d(TAG, access_token);
if (access_token != null && expires != -1) {
// facebook.setAccessToken(access_token);
// facebook.setAccessExpires(expires);
return facebook.isSessionValid();
// request the facebook to provide the response and then parse the response to
// obtain username and gender
private class IDRequestListener implements RequestListener {
public void onComplete(String response, Object state) {
try {
Log.d(TAG, "Response: " + response.toString());
JSONObject json = Util.parseJson(response);
fbGender = json.getString("gender");
fbName = json.getString("name");
check = "true";
} catch (JSONException e) {
Log.d(TAG, "JSONException: " + e.getMessage());
} catch (FacebookError e) {
Log.d(TAG, "FacebookError: " + e.getMessage());
Toast.makeText(context, "hello", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
FacebookConnect.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
return ;
public void onIOException(IOException e, Object state) {
Log.d(TAG, "IOException: " + e.getMessage());
public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e, Object state) {
Log.d(TAG, "FacebookError: " + e.getMessage());
public void onFileNotFoundException(FileNotFoundException e,
Object state) {
public void onMalformedURLException(MalformedURLException e,
Object state) {
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
facebook.authorizeCallback(requestCode, resultCode, data);
public void runOnUiThread(Runnable runnable) {
private class LoginDialogListener implements DialogListener {
public void onComplete(Bundle values) {
String token = facebook.getAccessToken();
long token_expires = facebook.getAccessExpires();
Log.d(TAG, "AccessToken: " + token);
Log.d(TAG, "AccessExpires: " + token_expires);
sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager
sharedPrefs.edit().putLong("access_expires", token_expires).clear()
sharedPrefs.edit().putString("access_token", token).clear().commit();
mAsyncRunner.request("me", new IDRequestListener());
Toast.makeText(context, "You are logged in", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
public void onCancel() {
Log.d(TAG, "OnCancel");
public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onError(DialogError e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private class SessionListener implements AuthListener, LogoutListener {
public void onAuthSucceed() {, context);
public void onAuthFail(String error) {
public void onLogoutBegin() {
public void onLogoutFinish() {
public Facebook getFacebook() {
return this.facebook;
Can anybody please help me?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 6859
Reputation: 175
Finally am able to solve my problem myself.
private static final String[] PERMS = new String[] { "publish_stream" };
this.facebookConnector = new FacebookConnect(APP_ID, this, getApplicationContext(), PERMS);
JSONObject json = Util.parseJson(response);
fbGender = json.getString("gender");
fbName = json.getString("name");
This is a piece of my code how i extracted the data
Upvotes: 7