Reputation: 251
here is problem, when i debug my program, i found keyboardWillShow function not responds every time. just first time, it will be called by program. here is my code, i dont know whats wrong in my code, but, when the keyboard first appeared, the function run well.
- (void)keyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification {
Reduce the size of the text view so that it's not obscured by the keyboard.
Animate the resize so that it's in sync with the appearance of the keyboard.
NSDictionary *userInfo = [notification userInfo];
// Get the origin of the keyboard when it's displayed.
NSValue* aValue = [userInfo objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey];
// Get the top of the keyboard as the y coordinate of its origin in self's view's coordinate system. The bottom of the text view's frame should align with the top of the keyboard's final position.
CGRect keyboardRect = [aValue CGRectValue];
keyboardRect = [self.view convertRect:keyboardRect fromView:nil];
CGFloat keyboardTop = keyboardRect.origin.y;
CGRect newTextViewFrame = self.textview.frame;
newTextViewFrame.size.height = keyboardTop - self.view.bounds.origin.y;
// Get the duration of the animation.
NSValue *animationDurationValue = [userInfo objectForKey:UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey];
NSTimeInterval animationDuration;
[animationDurationValue getValue:&animationDuration];
// Animate the resize of the text view's frame in sync with the keyboard's appearance.
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:animationDuration];
textview.frame = newTextViewFrame;
[UIView commitAnimations];
- (void)keyboardWillHide:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSDictionary* userInfo = [notification userInfo];
Restore the size of the text view (fill self's view).
Animate the resize so that it's in sync with the disappearance of the keyboard.
NSValue *animationDurationValue = [userInfo objectForKey:UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey];
NSTimeInterval animationDuration;
[animationDurationValue getValue:&animationDuration];
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:animationDuration];
// textview.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self save];
[UIView commitAnimations];
and i regist notification
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]
and remove it in here
- (void)viewDidUnload
[super viewDidUnload];
[self save];
self.textview = nil;
self.title = nil;
self.tags = nil;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];
i resign firstresponder, here is my code
- (IBAction)save:(id)sender {
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd target:self action:@selector(addNote)] autorelease];
[textview resignFirstResponder];
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemDone target:self action:@selector(save:)] autorelease];
[self setUpUndoManager];
return YES;
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
[self save];
return YES;
Upvotes: 6
Views: 8433
Reputation: 1666
Make sure that you are not writing any code to remove observer..... Please provide keyboardWillHide method also....
Upvotes: 5