Julian Aßmann
Julian Aßmann

Reputation: 310

Create 2D array from 1D array in Rust

I have two 2D arrays in Rust like this

    let d1: [[T; 3]; 3] = ...
    let d2: [[T; 3]; 3] = ...

Now I want to add the elements element-wise and assign the result to a new 2D array.

My current solution looks like this:

    let mut result = [[T::default(); ROW]; COL];
    for (i, row) in d1.iter().enumerate() {
        for (j, element) in row.iter().enumerate() {
            result[i][j] = *element + d2[i][j];

This is inefficient as it first fills result with default values only to override them later.

Therefore I want to solve this using iterators by flattening the 2D arrays and then adding the elements.

However, I don't know how I can construct a 2D array from the resulting flattened 1D iterator :

    let result = for sum in d1.iter().flatten().zip(
                            .map(|(x, y)| x+y)

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1514

Answers (2)


Reputation: 22501

You can do a hybrid approach.

You can initialize a fixed-size array via first constructing a [(); N] and then calling .map() on it. Combined with iterators over the input arrays, this should be somewhat performant.

Although I still recommend benchmarking it vs the naive solution.

fn add_2d<'a, 'b, T, const W: usize, const H: usize>(
    d1: &'a [[T; W]; H],
    d2: &'b [[T; W]; H],
) -> [[T; W]; H]
    T: 'static,
    &'a T: std::ops::Add<&'b T, Output = T>,
    let mut iter_row = d1.iter().zip(d2.iter());

    [(); H].map(move |()| {
        let (row1, row2) = iter_row.next().unwrap();
        let mut elem_iter = row1.iter().zip(row2.iter());
        [(); W].map(move |()| {
            let (elem1, elem2) = elem_iter.next().unwrap();
            elem1 + elem2

fn main() {
    let d1: [[u32; 2]; 3] = [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]];
    let d2: [[u32; 2]; 3] = [[10, 20], [40, 50], [70, 80]];

    let sums = add_2d(&d1, &d2);
    println!("{:?}", sums);
[[11, 22], [44, 55], [77, 88]]

Alternatively, if you don't mind unsafe, this is what I would probably go for to achieve maximum performance:

use std::mem::MaybeUninit;

fn add_2d<'a, 'b, T, const W: usize, const H: usize>(
    d1: &'a [[T; W]; H],
    d2: &'b [[T; W]; H],
) -> [[T; W]; H]
    T: 'static,
    &'a T: std::ops::Add<&'b T, Output = T>,
    let mut result: MaybeUninit<[[T; W]; H]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();

    let arr_ptr = result.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [T; W];

    unsafe {
        for y in 0..H {
            let row_ptr = arr_ptr.add(y) as *mut T;
            let row1 = d1.get_unchecked(y);
            let row2 = d2.get_unchecked(y);
            for x in 0..W {
                    .write(row1.get_unchecked(x) + row2.get_unchecked(x));


fn main() {
    let d1: [[u32; 2]; 3] = [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]];
    let d2: [[u32; 2]; 3] = [[10, 20], [40, 50], [70, 80]];

    let sums = add_2d(&d1, &d2);
    println!("{:?}", sums);
[[11, 22], [44, 55], [77, 88]]

Be sure to use .write() instead of a simple assignment operation, because the assignment operation would run the Drop function of the previous, uninitialized element. Which would cause undefined behaviour.


I added hkBst's .map().collect().try_into().unwrap() based method to the benchmarks, as well:


use std::mem::MaybeUninit;

fn add_2d_iter<'a, 'b, T, const W: usize, const H: usize>(
    d1: &'a [[T; W]; H],
    d2: &'b [[T; W]; H],
) -> [[T; W]; H]
    T: 'static,
    &'a T: std::ops::Add<&'b T, Output = T>,
    let mut iter_row = d1.iter().zip(d2.iter());

    [(); H].map(move |()| {
        let (row1, row2) = iter_row.next().unwrap();
        let mut elem_iter = row1.iter().zip(row2.iter());
        [(); W].map(move |()| {
            let (elem1, elem2) = elem_iter.next().unwrap();
            elem1 + elem2

fn add_2d_uninit<'a, 'b, T, const W: usize, const H: usize>(
    d1: &'a [[T; W]; H],
    d2: &'b [[T; W]; H],
) -> [[T; W]; H]
    T: 'static,
    &'a T: std::ops::Add<&'b T, Output = T>,
    let mut result: MaybeUninit<[[T; W]; H]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();

    let arr_ptr = result.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [T; W];

    unsafe {
        for y in 0..H {
            let row_ptr = arr_ptr.add(y) as *mut T;
            let row1 = d1.get_unchecked(y);
            let row2 = d2.get_unchecked(y);
            for x in 0..W {
                    .write(row1.get_unchecked(x) + row2.get_unchecked(x));


fn add_2d_unwrap<'a, 'b, T, const W: usize, const H: usize>(
    a: &'a [[T; W]; H],
    b: &'b [[T; W]; H],
) -> [[T; W]; H]
    T: std::fmt::Debug + 'static,
    &'a T: std::ops::Add<&'b T, Output = T>,
        .map(|(ai, bi)| {
                .map(|(aij, bij)| aij + bij)

const W: usize = 30;
const H: usize = 30;
const ITERATIONS: usize = 1000000;

fn check_result(d1: &[[i32; W]; H], d2: &[[i32; W]; H], result: &[[i32; W]; H]) -> bool {
    for y in 0..H {
        for x in 0..W {
            if d1[y][x] + d2[y][x] != result[y][x] {
                return false;

fn bench<'a, 'b>(
    a: &'a [[i32; W]; H],
    b: &'b [[i32; W]; H],
    function: fn(&'a [[i32; W]; H], &'b [[i32; W]; H]) -> [[i32; W]; H],
) -> Vec<u128> {
    // Assert correctness and cache warmup
        let sums = function(a, b);
        assert!(check_result(a, b, &sums));

    // Bench runs
        .map(|_| {
            let t0 = std::time::Instant::now();
            for _ in 0..ITERATIONS {
                std::hint::black_box(function(a, b));

fn main() {
    let mut num_iter = (1..).into_iter();
    let mut init_arr = move || [(); H].map(|()| [(); W].map(|()| num_iter.next().unwrap()));

    let d1 = init_arr();
    let d2 = init_arr();

    let times_iter = bench(&d1, &d2, add_2d_iter);
    let times_uninit = bench(&d1, &d2, add_2d_uninit);
    let times_unwrap = bench(&d1, &d2, add_2d_unwrap);

    println!("iter: {:?}", times_iter);
    println!("uninit: {:?}", times_uninit);
    println!("unwrap: {:?}", times_unwrap);
> cargo +nightly run --release
iter: [223519, 207772, 208043, 208497, 208807]
uninit: [202719, 202888, 201159, 202685, 201941]
unwrap: [864150, 866233, 863023, 859486, 852098]

Seems like unwrap is a bit slower, while the other two don't really make a difference.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3360

This code adds a 2D array without initializing it with default elements, but it does go through a Vec to array conversion, because you cannot collect directly into an array. I estimate the likelihood of this being optimized away to be much lower than for your default elements solution.

fn add_3by3(a: [[u32; 3]; 3], b: [[u32; 3]; 3]) -> [[u32; 3]; 3] {
        .map(|(ai, bi)| {
                .map(|(aij, bij)| aij + bij)

Incidentally, I think it is probably a better idea to keep your data in a 1D array no matter what actual shape it has, and keep shape information on the side. That way every element-wise operation is very simple.

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