I have a web application which converts WebM files to mp3 using FFMPEG.js in the Client-Side. Once the mp3 conversion finishes, users are prompted to download their file.
Lately, I realized that a lot of mp3 files which I tried to converted have a different duration value than the original WebM file. The duration is usually longer. For instance, a WebM file with duration of 2:16 gets converted to an mp3 file with a duration of 2:29. Once the player reaches at 2:16 it just goes back to the start.
I have tried to open the file in Audacity but it keeps saying that this MP3 file seems to be "Malformed".
I also tried to use MP3val and it says the file has junk at the end.
Code Snippets:
const worker = new Worker("/ffmpeg-worker-mp4.js");
import { fetchFile } from "@ffmpeg/ffmpeg"; //
const convertSong = async (title, id, bitrate) => {
ffmpegVars = [title]
type: "run",
arguments: ["-i", `input.webm`, "-c:a", "libmp3lame", "-vn", "-ab", `${bitrate ? bitrate : 256}k`, "-ar", "44100", "-f", "mp3", `output.mp3`],
MEMFS: [{ name: "input.webm", data: await fetchFile(`/api/download/stream?video=${id}`) }]
convertSong(data.title,, data.bitrate)
I'm literally willing to pay anyone who helps me fix this.
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