Reputation: 647
Hi I am trying to learn quickcheck (quviq) in erlang and I have come across an exercise where I have to test a simulated cache with symbolic calls. However I encounter problems because I get an
31> eqc:quickcheck(test_cache:prop_cache()).
Failed! Reason:
After 1 tests.
Shrinking ..(2 times)
error when trying to call a function that is called symbolically and saved/stored in a variable such that it might be called with different pattern matches as seen in the response to anonymous function and pattern matching.
In the below code I get the error when calling the TT1 variable in the prop_cache()
with TT1(new)
for instance. Which normally would return the {changed_value, Value, Cost}
but doesn't do so (with or without the eval(...)
mkt(set, {Value, Cost}) ->
Val = fun(new) -> {changed_value, Value, Cost};
({exst, _Value}) -> {changed_value, Value, Cost}
io:format("mkt Gets here ~p~n", [Val]),
sym_mkt(Opr, Args) -> {call, ?MODULE, mkt, [Opr, Args]}.
term_transf(KeyGen) ->
[ ?LET({K, V, C}, {KeyGen, int(), cost()},
return ({K, V, C, sym_mkt(set,{V,C})}))
?FORALL({K1, V1, C1, TT1},
%% arbitrary high capacity to ensure cache can hold all items
{ok, F} = cache:new(999999),
equals({changed_value, V1,C1}, eval(TT1(new)))
For reference (although not important to solving my issue):
returns {ok, Pid}
with capacity C. Furthermore it is placed in a module called cache
and creates the simulated cache.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 226
Reputation: 332
The error is telling you that you are trying to call a bad function {call,test_cache,mkt,[set,{0,10}]}
, which is, indeed, not a function. This happens when trying to invoke it as TT1(new)
, prior to calling eval/1
. Do eval(TT1)
first, and then apply the argument new
to the returned function to resolve this.
Upvotes: 1