Reputation: 1
I want to run .exe files hidden in Windows using Python. I used the following commands,but the hidden program does not run.
from subprocess_maximize import Popen
Popen(r"C:\Apps\test.exe",show='hidden', priority=1)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 984
if you want python hide cmd console Use :
import win32gui, win32con
hide = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
win32gui.ShowWindow(hide , win32con.SW_HIDE)
or if you want to hide cmd from python use :
import ctypes
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow( ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow(), 6 )
Else Save the program with a .pyw
extension and now it will open with pythonw.exe
No shell or cmd window
Upvotes: 2