Reputation: 173
I am creating a companion app in Shiny for a language course I am participating in. I have included a wordlist via the DT package, a word cloud as a fun visualization, and a tab where one can generate a vocab quiz with both English and German words in the respective columns. The DT table is editable, and I would like it ti automatically check the user input, and turn the text to green if the input is correct (= if it matches the word in the other column in the appropriate row in the original data frame) and to red if the input is not correct. How would I go about achieving this, if it is possible at all?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 158
Reputation: 84519
I have a way using the JavaScript library CellEdit.
Download the file dataTables.cellEdit.js.
By default, the interface is not very stylish. To style it, copy the CSS code below and put it in a file dataTables.cellEdit.css, in the same folder as dataTables.cellEdit.js.
.my-input-class {
padding: 3px 6px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
.my-confirm-class {
padding: 3px 6px;
font-size: 12px;
color: white;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #337ab7;
text-decoration: none;
.my-cancel-class {
padding: 3px 6px;
font-size: 12px;
color: white;
text-align: center;
vertical-align: middle;
border-radius: 4px;
background-color: #a94442;
text-decoration: none;
Now, here is the R code. Don't forget to change the path
variable, and replace the JavaScript variable words
with the list of your words to be matched.
dat <- data.frame(
X = c("Edit me", "Edit me", "Edit me"),
Y = c("a", "b", "c")
callback = JS(
"var words = ['hello', 'goodbye', 'cat'];", # words to be matched
"function onUpdate(updatedCell, updatedRow, oldValue){",
" var $td = $(updatedCell.node());",
" var text =;",
" if(words.indexOf(text) > - 1){",
" $td.css('background-color', '#98FB98');",
" }else{",
" $td.css('background-color', '#FF6347');",
" }",
" onUpdate: onUpdate,",
" inputCss: 'my-input-class',",
" confirmationButton: {",
" confirmCss: 'my-confirm-class',",
" cancelCss: 'my-cancel-class'",
" },",
" columns: [1]",
## the datatable
dtable <- datatable(
dat, callback = callback, rownames = TRUE,
options = list(
columnDefs = list(
list(targets = "_all", className = "dt-center")
path <- "C:/SL/R/DT" # folder containing the files dataTables.cellEdit.js
# and dataTables.cellEdit.css
dep <- htmltools::htmlDependency(
"CellEdit", "1.0.19", path,
script = "dataTables.cellEdit.js",
stylesheet = "dataTables.cellEdit.css"
dtable[["dependencies"]] <- c(dtable[["dependencies"]], list(dep))
Upvotes: 1