Reputation: 225
This is my FTSE column
To calculate log return of the FTSE; R code is given below.
log_return = diff(log(FTSE))*100
How to change it to JULIA further I need to do adf.test
I had tried this
ADFTest(FTSE::AbstractVector{T}, deterministic::Symbol, lag::Int) where T<:Real
But I got an error.
in the same way I tried for this line
Box.test(log_return,lag=10,type = "Ljung-Box")
But error occurred.
Can anyone help me write the julia version of these, TIA
Upvotes: 1
Views: 350
Reputation: 69939
I assume you want to use ADFTest
from HypothesisTests.jl, here is how you should use it (I picked some example parameters for the test; this assumes you want to run a test for unit root in log returns of FTSE
julia> using HypothesisTests
julia> FTSE = rand(20);
julia> log_return = diff(log.(FTSE));
julia> ADFTest(log_return, :none, 1)
Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test
Population details:
parameter of interest: coefficient on lagged non-differenced variable
value under h_0: 0
point estimate: -2.23676
Test summary:
outcome with 95% confidence: reject h_0
p-value: <1e-06
sample size in regression: 17
number of lags: 1
ADF statistic: -5.27364
Critical values at 1%, 5%, and 10%: [-2.69346 -1.95991 -1.60666]
Upvotes: 1