Reputation: 69
I want to develop a NFC tag reader application. I have some knowledge about the NFC API in the Android SDK. I have even imported the NFCDemo sample app from the Android SDK sample apps. The NFCDemo app just creates fake tags and capture them. I want to recognize NFC tags when they are tapped on the back of phone. I have a Google Nexus Phone to test this.
My question is, when I tap a tag on the back of the phone, the "ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED" intent is dispatched ... How and where this intent is to be handled? How is "ForegroundDispatch" used for the same?
Thanking in anticipation, Shivdattam.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4089
Reputation: 8287
I have created an Android boilerplate project you might be interested in, it seems to cover what you are looking for.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 185
class in NFCDemo
app ( It will give solution for your question.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3
It seems like your problem is "the Intent ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED" is fired automatically or is to be fired by yourself after tag is touched on the back of your phone.Is it?
Upvotes: 0