Reputation: 175
i have been trying to make an app that has a listview and ontap it goes to details page and shows info that got from navigator (by a datamodel)here is the code i have tried everything in the internet but it still has this two errors (its not a bug)
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:train/pages/dishdatamodel.dart';
import 'package:train/pages/dishdetail.dart';
import 'home.dart';
class Favorites extends StatefulWidget {
_FavoritesState createState() => _FavoritesState();
class _FavoritesState extends State<Favorites> {
var itemcount =4;
static List<String> dishprice = ['12\$', '20\$', '15\$', '10\$', '30\$', '35\$', '40\$'];
static List urlImages = [
final List<dishdatamodel>dishdata = List.generate(
(index) =>dishdatamodel('${dishname[index]}', '${urlImages[index]}',
'${dishname[index]}description.......', '${dishprice[index]}'));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(
children: [
itemCount: dishdata.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context,int index){
return Card(
color: Colors.deepOrange,
child: ListTile(
title: Text(dishdata[index].name),
trailing: Text(dishdata[index].price),
leading: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints(
minHeight: 40,
minWidth: 40,
maxHeight: 50,
maxWidth: 50,
onTap: (){
Navigator.of(context).push(MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => dishdetail(dishdatamode: dishdata[index],)));
here is the errors
======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following RangeError was thrown building _BodyBuilder:
RangeError (index): Invalid value: Not in inclusive range 0..5: 6
The relevant error-causing widget was:
Scaffold file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/android%20studio%20projets/train/lib/nav.dart:29:12
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 List.[] (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:177:60)
#1 new _FavoritesState.<anonymous closure> (package:train/pages/favorites.dart:26:65)
#2 new _GrowableList.generate (dart:core-patch/growable_array.dart:128:28)
#3 new _FavoritesState (package:train/pages/favorites.dart:24:44)
#4 Favorites.createState (package:train/pages/favorites.dart:8:36)
======== Exception caught by rendering library =====================================================
The following assertion was thrown during performLayout():
Each child must be laid out exactly once.
The _ScaffoldLayout custom multichild layout delegate forgot to lay out the following child:
_ScaffoldSlot.body: RenderErrorBox#14191 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT
parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0); id=_ScaffoldSlot.body
constraints: MISSING
The relevant error-causing widget was:
Scaffold file:///C:/Users/user/Desktop/android%20studio%20projets/train/lib/nav.dart:29:12
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0 MultiChildLayoutDelegate._callPerformLayout.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:246:11)
#1 MultiChildLayoutDelegate._callPerformLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:259:8)
#2 RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox.performLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/custom_layout.dart:402:14)
#3 RenderObject._layoutWithoutResize (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:1634:7)
#4 PipelineOwner.flushLayout (package:flutter/src/rendering/object.dart:884:18)
The following RenderObject was being processed when the exception was fired: RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox#dc3f5 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE
. needs compositing
. parentData: <none> (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, h=850.9)
. size: Size(392.7, 850.9)
needs compositing
parentData: <none> (can use size)
constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, h=850.9)
size: Size(392.7, 850.9)
. child 1: RenderErrorBox#14191 NEEDS-LAYOUT NEEDS-PAINT
. parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0); id=_ScaffoldSlot.body
. constraints: MISSING
. size: MISSING
. child 2: RenderPositionedBox#34f21 relayoutBoundary=up1 NEEDS-PAINT NEEDS-COMPOSITING-BITS-UPDATE
. needs compositing
. parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 83.6); id=_ScaffoldSlot.body (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=392.7, 0.0<=h<=711.3)
. size: Size(392.7, 711.3)
. alignment: center
. textDirection: ltr
. widthFactor: expand
. heightFactor: expand
. child 3: RenderConstrainedBox#67334 relayoutBoundary=up1
. needs compositing
. parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0); id=_ScaffoldSlot.appBar (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
. size: Size(392.7, 83.6)
. additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=Infinity, 0.0<=h<=83.6)
. child: RenderSemanticsAnnotations#268b5 relayoutBoundary=up2
. needs compositing
. parentData: <none> (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=83.6)
. semantic boundary
. size: Size(392.7, 83.6)
. child: RenderAnnotatedRegion<SystemUiOverlayStyle>#8f8ff relayoutBoundary=up3
. needs compositing
. parentData: <none> (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=83.6)
. size: Size(392.7, 83.6)
. child: RenderPhysicalModel#6f052 relayoutBoundary=up4
. needs compositing
. parentData: <none> (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=83.6)
. layer: PhysicalModelLayer#4e633
. engine layer: PhysicalShapeEngineLayer#9e72c
. elevation: 4.0
. color: MaterialColor(primary value: Color(0xffff5722))
. size: Size(392.7, 83.6)
. elevation: 4.0
. color: MaterialColor(primary value: Color(0xffff5722))
. shadowColor: MaterialColor(primary value: Color(0xffff5722))
. shape: BoxShape.rectangle
. borderRadius:
. child 4: RenderSemanticsAnnotations#b44d0 relayoutBoundary=up1 NEEDS-PAINT
. needs compositing
. parentData: offset=Offset(0.0, 794.9); id=_ScaffoldSlot.bottomNavigationBar (can use size)
. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(392.7, 56.0)
.. child: RenderPhysicalModel#627c2 relayoutBoundary=up2 NEEDS-PAINT
.. needs compositing
.. parentData: <none> (can use size)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. layer: PhysicalModelLayer#26163
.. engine layer: PhysicalShapeEngineLayer#3df82
.. elevation: 8.0
.. color: Color(0xfffafafa)
.. size: Size(392.7, 56.0)
.. elevation: 8.0
.. color: Color(0xfffafafa)
.. shadowColor: Color(0xfffafafa)
.. shape: BoxShape.rectangle
.. borderRadius:
.. child: _RenderInkFeatures#64e29 relayoutBoundary=up3 NEEDS-PAINT
.. parentData: <none> (can use size)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(392.7, 56.0)
.. child: RenderConstrainedBox#c08b0 relayoutBoundary=up4 NEEDS-PAINT
.. parentData: <none> (can use size)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(w=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(392.7, 56.0)
.. additionalConstraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=Infinity, 56.0<=h<=Infinity)
.. child 5: RenderStack#b0601 relayoutBoundary=up1
.. parentData: offset=Offset(376.7, 778.9); id=_ScaffoldSlot.floatingActionButton (can use ize)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(0.0, 0.0)
.. alignment: centerRight
.. textDirection: ltr
.. fit: loose
.. child 1: RenderTransform#7227d relayoutBoundary=up2
.. parentData: not positioned; offset=Offset(0.0, 0.0) (can use size)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(0.0, 0.0)
.. transform matrix: [0] 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
1] 0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0
2] 0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0
[3] 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
.. origin: null
.. alignment: center
.. textDirection: ltr
.. transformHitTests: true
.. child: RenderTransform#1577a relayoutBoundary=up3
.. parentData: <none> (can use size)
.. constraints: BoxConstraints(0.0<=w<=392.7, 0.0<=h<=850.9)
.. size: Size(0.0, 0.0)
.. transform matrix: [0] 0.7,0.7,0.0,0.0
[1] -0.7,0.7,0.0,0.0
[2] 0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0
[3] 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0
.. origin: null
.. alignment: center
.. textDirection: ltr
.. transformHitTests: true
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1149
Reputation: 145
This error is because you didn't set a height for the ListView
, simply you can wrap the list view into a Container
and give it a height number,
notice that if you gonna use context.size.height
, it's better to use MediaQuery.of(context).size.height
if it doesn't work, try wrapping it into an Expanded
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 63749
Wrap ListView.builder
with Expanded
widget, Also no need to use SingleChildScrollView
Or You can use SingleChildScrollView
with ListView.builder
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
Or just render item inside Column like
body: SingleChildScrollView(
physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
child: Column(
children: [ => Card(
color: Colors.deepOrange,
child: ListTile(
title: Text(,
trailing: Text(e.price),
leading: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints(
minHeight: 40,
minWidth: 40,
maxHeight: 50,
maxWidth: 50,
onTap: () {},
There are others error I can see from console like range error,
Upvotes: 1