I am new to xquery and I have been tasked with getting a list of how many section listings each instructor has been assigned.
So for example I'd want to return a list with the instructor and the count of course_listings.
I have tried something like this for the following xml.
for $x in doc(course.xml")/root/course_listing/section_listing
return $x//instructor//count(instructor_listing)
Any help would be appreciated.
<restrictions>; ; REQUIRED OF ALL NEW STUDENTS. PREREQ: NONE</restrictions>
<section>Se 001</section>
<comments>9 WKS BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, 9/6/00 </comments>
<section>Se 002</section>
<comments>9 WKS BEGINNING FRIDAY, 9/8/00 </comments>
<title>BUSINESS ETHICS</title>
<restrictions>; ; PREREQ: NONE</restrictions>
<section>Se 001</section>
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Usually that is done by grouping:
declare namespace output = "";
declare option output:method 'text';
declare option output:item-separator ' ';
for $section in //section_listing
group by $instructor := $section/instructor
return $instructor || ': ' || count($section/parent::course_listing)
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