Reputation: 1793
I am working on fullscreen application and I want to add funcitonality to select monitor which should be used to display applicaiton so you can swap from primary to other monitor. I checked some other applications which allow user to select display output for fullscreen or monitor for screen sharing. All of them use different naming for outputs.
Some examples:
I already know that I can get DisplayArea using:
var areas = DisplayArea.FindAll();
Then I can iterate areas
and get display name like this:
var area0 = areas[0];
var monitorHw = Microsoft.UI.Win32Interop.GetMonitorFromDisplayId(area0.DisplayId);
PInvoke.User32.GetMonitorInfo(monitorHw, out var monitorInfo1);
var monitorName1 = new string(monitorInfo1.DeviceName); // monitorName1 = \\.\DISPLAY1
I know that DisplayArea
has static getter for DisplayArea.Primary
. those two things together might explain settings in WoW graphics where they put single primary by default and just rename MONITORINFOEX.DeviceName
ot Monitor . Similar approach could be used in Discord.
I know that I can get "quite" nice display names like this (source):
public static unsafe void GetDisplayNames()
DISPLAY_DEVICE lpDisplayDevice = new();
lpDisplayDevice.cb = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(lpDisplayDevice);
DISPLAY_DEVICE monitor_name = new();
monitor_name.cb = (uint) Marshal.SizeOf(monitor_name);
uint devNum = 0;
var msg = "";
while (PInvoke.User32.EnumDisplayDevices(null, devNum, ref lpDisplayDevice, 0))
msg += "DeviceName =" + new string(lpDisplayDevice.DeviceName).Trim() + '\n';
PInvoke.User32.EnumDisplayDevices(new string(lpDisplayDevice.DeviceName), 0, ref monitor_name, 0);
msg += "Monitor name =" + new string(monitor_name.DeviceString).Trim() + '\n';
Best display names I get when I use this code:
var displayMonitorSelector = DisplayMonitor.GetDeviceSelector();
var displayMonitorDeviceInformation = (await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(displayMonitorSelector))[0];
DisplayMonitor? displayMonitor = await DisplayMonitor.FromInterfaceIdAsync(displayMonitorDeviceInformation.Id);
var displayMonitorName = displayMonitor.DisplayName; // BenQ EX3203R
// OR (Not sure which works better for me yet)
var projectionSelector = ProjectionManager.GetDeviceSelector();
var projectionDeviceInformation = (await DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(projectionSelector))[0];
DisplayMonitor? projection = await DisplayMonitor.FromInterfaceIdAsync(projectionDeviceInformation.Id);
var projectionName = projection.DisplayName; // BenQ EX3203R
But I can not get any information about WorkArea
and Bounds
in last two approaches. WorkArea
and Bounds
seems to be key to move my app window to correct screen.
I came with this idea: All three outputs seems to be sorted same way. Monitor 1 has always area 1, monitor 2 has area 2.
Can I rely on this ordering behavior? Is there better approach to get display name, it's bounds and work area (also DPI would be great but I have a working function for this)?
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Views: 867
Reputation: 139187
WinRT classes (DisplayMonitor, etc.) are really what you want to use. The difficulty is they don't (AFAIK) expose the relation with the GDI device names (\\?\DISPLAY1, etc.).
But their implementation is based on the native Connecting and configuring displays API and this API can give you the GDI name using a code like this:
public static string GetGdiDeviceName(int adapterIdHigh, uint adapterIdLow, uint sourceId)
info.header.size = Marshal.SizeOf<DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME>();
info.header.adapterIdHigh = adapterIdHigh;
info.header.adapterIdLow = adapterIdLow; = sourceId;
var err = DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(ref info);
if (err != 0)
throw new Win32Exception(err);
return info.viewGdiDeviceName;
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 32)]
public string viewGdiDeviceName;
public override string ToString() => viewGdiDeviceName;
public int type;
public int size;
public uint adapterIdLow;
public int adapterIdHigh;
public uint id;
private static extern int DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(ref DISPLAYCONFIG_SOURCE_DEVICE_NAME requestPacket);
Now, adapterId
is easy to find, but the sourceId
is more complex. It doesn't seem to be exposed directly by WinRT, you must use the IDisplayPathInterop Interface, so:
[ComImport, InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown), Guid("A6BA4205-E59E-4E71-B25B-4E436D21EE3D")]
private interface IDisplayPathInterop
int CreateSourcePresentationHandle(out IntPtr value);
int GetSourceId(out uint sourceId);
Now, you can dump all monitors with their GDI names, and then you can use that GDI name to correlate using other Windows API : MONITOR, DISPLAY_DEVICE, event the old Winform's Screen, etc. like you do with a code like this:
using (var mgr = DisplayManager.Create(DisplayManagerOptions.None))
var state = mgr.TryReadCurrentStateForAllTargets().State;
foreach (var view in state.Views)
foreach (var path in view.Paths)
var monitor = path.Target.TryGetMonitor();
if (monitor != null)
var ip = WinRT.CastExtensions.As<IDisplayPathInterop>(path);
ip.GetSourceId(out var sourceId);
var gdiDeviceName = GetGdiDeviceName(monitor.DisplayAdapterId.HighPart, monitor.DisplayAdapterId.LowPart, sourceId);
Console.WriteLine(monitor.DisplayName + " on " + gdiDeviceName);
// TODO: use gdiDeviceName to correlate with other APIs
Which will display this on my system (note display 2 is my primary screen - with sourceId 1, not 0 -, this demonstrates you cannot just use indices to match):
C27HG7x on \\.\DISPLAY2
DELL U2715H on \\.\DISPLAY1
Upvotes: 3