Reputation: 763
I need your help, I tried all the mentioned suggestions ( but am still not able to update the inventory quantity with Amazon SP API.
I am trying to update the quantity stock without Feeds.
Below body, I am sending to update the quantity with Put Request.
The package I am using is:
SellingPartnerApi\Model\ListingsV20210801\ListingsItemPutRequest Object
[container:protected] => Array
[product_type] => FALSE_EYELASH
[requirements] =>
[attributes] => Array
[fulfillment_availability] => Array
[fulfillment_channel_code] => AMAZON_JP
[quantity] => 5
When I use sandbox get a response ACCEPTED but without getting an error.
[sku] => 2629-48KGT-2347 // TEST
[status] => INVALID
[submission_id] => 602b84b73b964e24b174a80d3a7870a3
[issues] => Array
[0] => SellingPartnerApi\Model\ListingsV20210801\Issue Object
[container:protected] => Array
[code] => 4000003
[message] => ������������Amazon������������������������������������������������������������������������������
[severity] => ERROR
[attribute_names] =>
To patch the request I am trying the below body.
SellingPartnerApi\Model\ListingsV20210801\ListingsItemPatchRequest Object
[container:protected] => Array
[product_type] => FALSE_EYELASH
[patches] => Array
[op] => replace
[operation_type] => UPDATE // Already try with or without this parameter
[path] => /attributes/fulfillment_availability
[value] => Array
[fulfillment_channel_code] => AMAZON_JP
[quantity] => 5
Get the below response.
Exception when calling: [400] {
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidInput",
"message": "Request has missing or invalid parameters and cannot be parsed.",
"details": ""
Is there any way to update the order status to shipped without the feeds API?
The code which I try so far is below.
$patchBody = [
'product_type' => 'BEAUTY',
'marketplaceIds' => ['A1VC38T7YXB528'], // Already try with or without
'patches' => [
"op" => "replace",
"operation_type" => "PARTIAL_UPDATE",
"path" => "/attributes/fulfillment_availability",
"value" => [
"fulfillment_channel_code" => 'DEFAULT',
"quantity" => 2
$putBody = [
'product_type' => 'BEAUTY',
'attributes' => [
"fulfillment_availability" => [
"fulfillment_channel_code" => "DEFAULT",
"quantity" => 2
$seller_id = 'MY-SELLER-ID';
$sku = '8001025974';
$marketplace_ids = array('A1VC38T7YXB528');
// Update inventory
$apiInstance = new SellingPartnerApi\Api\ListingsV20210801Api($config);
$body = new \SellingPartnerApi\Model\ListingsV20210801\ListingsItemPatchRequest($patchBody);
// $issue_locale = 'en_US';
try {
$result = $apiInstance->patchListingsItem($seller_id, $sku, $marketplace_ids, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Upvotes: 4
Views: 2715
Reputation: 763
I found the solution the main issue is in the body there are many different methods that are provided by Amazon feed base or listing put/patch base.
I am using selling partner api
In my question, I was using the Listing base approach.
The endpoint URL is below.
The body should be like the below. If there is an error in product type even if you pass the current product type just use "PRODUCT" instead.
Note: But if you are using a feed document then it might be changed see here
I got success with the below body.
"productType": "PRODUCT",
"patches": [
"op": "replace",
"operation_type": "PARTIAL_UPDATE",
"path": "/attributes/fulfillment_availability",
"value": [
"fulfillment_channel_code": "DEFAULT",
"quantity": 0
The given code is a full example.
$config = new Configuration([
"lwaClientId" => "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
"lwaClientSecret" => "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET",
"lwaRefreshToken" => "YOUR-TOKEN",
"awsAccessKeyId" => "YOUR-ACCESS-KEY",
"awsSecretAccessKey" => "YOUR-KEY",
// If you're not working in the North American marketplace, change
// this to another endpoint from lib/Endpoint.php
"endpoint" => Endpoint::FE
$seller_id = 'YOUR-ID'; // string | A selling partners identifier, such as a merchant account or vendor code.
$sku = 'YOUR-PRODUCT-CODE'; // string | A selling partner provided identifier for an Amazon listing.
$marketplace_ids = array('YOUR-MARKET-ID');
$patchBody = [
'product_type' => 'PRODUCT',
'patches' => [
"op" => "replace",
"operation_type" => "PARTIAL_UPDATE",
"path" => "/attributes/item_name",
"value" => [
"value" => "【ome】Colorラッシュ・セーブル レッドブラウン Cカール 0.07mm×9mm",
"marketplace_id" => "CHANGE-WITH-YOUR-MID"
// Update inventory
$apiInstance = new SellingPartnerApi\Api\ListingsV20210801Api($config);
$body = new \SellingPartnerApi\Model\ListingsV20210801\ListingsItemPatchRequest($patchBody);
try {
$result = $apiInstance->patchListingsItem($seller_id, $sku, $marketplace_ids, $body);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Upvotes: 3