
Reputation: 610

Xmobar plugins stuck at updating and glyph fonts not working

I have been trying to get my head around xmobar with xmonad on Arch. Some things work and some I just cant get to work.

  1. I cannot for the life of my get glyph fonts to work/appear even when they are installed on the system.

  2. Some of plugins - Battery, Network, Xmonadlog and Wireless just hang at "updating" while others; CPU, swap, date etc work just fine.

There are no errors coming up in xsessions.error log.

My .xmobarrc file:

  1 Config { additionalFonts = [ "xft:FontAwesome-4:size=11:antilias=true" ]
  2         , border    = TopB
  3         , alpha     = 255
  4         , allDesktops = True
  5         , font      = "xft:iosevka-9"
  6         , bgColor   = "#5f5f5f"
  7         , fgColor   = "#f8f8f2"
  8         , position  = TopW L 100  -- Top with fixed width 100% left aligned.
  9         , overrideRedirect  = True
 10         , lowerOnStart      = True
 11         , persistent        = True
 12         , commands  = [ Run Cpu
 13                           [ "-L", "3"
 14                           , "-H", "50"
 15                           , "--high"  , "red"
 16                           , "--normal", "green"
 17                           ] 10
 18                         , Run Network "enp2s0f0" ["-t", "<fn=1>\xf8f5</fn>
 19 <rx>kb <fn=1>\xfa51</fn> <tx>kb"] 20
 20                         , Run Wireless "wlan0" [ "-t", "<essid>" ] 10
 21                         , Run Alsa "default" "Master"
 22                             [ "--template", "v: <volumestatus>"
 23                             , "--suffix"  , "True"
 24                             , "--"
 25                             , "--on", ""
 26                             ]
 27                         , Run Memory ["--template", "Mem: <usedratio>%"
 28                                       , "-L", "0"
 29                                       , "-H", "70"
 30                                       , "--high", "red"
 31                                       , "--normal", "green" ] 10
 32                         , Run Swap [] 10
 33                         , Run Date "<fn=1>\xe62b</fn> %a  %d-%m-%Y  <fc=#8be9fd>%H:%M</fc>" "date" 10
 34                         , Run Com "uname" ["-s","-r"] "" 36000
 35                         , Run XMonadLog
 36                       -- battery monitor
 37                         , Run Battery [ "--template" , "Batt: <acstatus>"
 38                                       , "--Low"      , "10"        -- units: %
 39                                       , "--High"     , "80"        -- units: %
 40                                       , "--low"      , "darkred"
 41                                       , "--normal"   , "darkorange"
 42                                       , "--high"     , "darkgreen"
 43                                       , "--" -- battery specific options
 44                                         -- discharging status
 45                                       , "-o"  , "<left>% (<timeleft>)"
 46                                        -- AC "on" status
 47                                       , "-O"  , "<fc=#dAA520>Charging</fc>"
 48                                        -- charged status
 49                                       , "-i"  , "<fc=#006000>Charged</fc>"
 50                              ] 50
 51                       ]
 52         , sepChar    = "%"
 53         , alignSep   = "}{"
 54         , template   = " %uname%  |  %XMonadLog%  | %Battery%}{  %alsa:default:Master%  |  %cpu%
 55 |  %memory%  |  %swap%  |  %network%  | %Wireless% |  %date%  "
 56         }

Do you need to do some magical other things to get glyph fonts and those hanging plugins working?

Upvotes: 0

Views: 391

Answers (1)


Reputation: 36416


Adding the glyphs as characters works for me, i.e. <fn=1></fn> instead of <fn=1>\xf8f5</fn>. (The glyph won't show correctly here on StackOverflow, though...)


Network "enp2s0f0" [] requires you to use %enp2s0f0%, not %network%.

Likewise but with the added suffix wi, Wireless "wlan0" [] requires you to use %wlan0wi%, not %Wireless%.

I don't use Battery and XMonadLog but the Codeberg documentation on Plugins and monitors probably provides some useful information for Battery and XMonadLog.

Upvotes: 1

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