
Reputation: 3033

Active a customer doesn't work in Magento

Let me make clear the context:

Look at the customer_entity table:

| entity_id | entity_type_id | attribute_set_id | website_id | email                | group_id | increment_id | store_id | created_at          | updated_at          | is_active |
|         1 |              1 |                0 |          1 | [email protected] |        1 | 000000001    |        1 | 2007-08-30 23:23:13 | 2008-08-08 12:28:24 |         1 |
|         2 |              1 |                0 |          1 | [email protected]    |        1 |              |        1 | 2011-08-15 09:51:20 | 2011-09-06 07:31:17 |         0 |

At the customer has id is 2 and is_active attribute is 0, now I want to change to 1.

$customerId = 2;
$modelCustomer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);

But, it doesn't work. How can I fix it or I am missing something?


I can getIsActive of this customer.



When I showed log, I just saw, I guessed it did not update is_active attribute:

UPDATE `customer_entity` SET `entity_id` = ?, `entity_type_id` = ?, `attribute_set_id` = ?, `website_id` = ?, `email` = ?, `group_id` = ?, `increment_id` = ?, `store_id` = ?, `created_at` = ?, `updated_at` = ? WHERE (entity_id='2')

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2555

Answers (2)


Reputation: 1

In order to show and use **is_active** field of the table **customer_entity**

step 1) paste this code in app/code/core/Mage/Customer/Model/Resource/Setup.php

 'is_active' => array(
                        'label'         => 'MyActive',
                        'type'          => 'static',
                        'input'         => 'text',
                        'visible'       => true,
                        'required'      => false,
                        'position'      => 65,

step 2) run this query in phpmyadmin
select * from core_resource;
find the version of customer_setup
for example if in your store this is so make a file by this name:
this means from version will be upgrade to
copy this file in this path:

copy this code in it:
$installer = $this;

$middlenameAttributeCode = 'is_active';

$installer->addAttribute('customer', $middlenameAttributeCode, array(
    'type'       => 'static',
    'label'      => 'MyActive',
    'input'      => 'text',
    'required'   => 0,
    'sort_order' => 50,
    'is_visible' => 1,
    'visible'       => 1,
    'position'   => 65,

$middlenameAttribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')
    ->getAttribute('customer', $middlenameAttributeCode);
$middlenameAttribute->setData('used_in_forms', array(

step3) goto this path: app/code/core/Mage/Customer/etc/config.xml , in above of the code in tag <version></version>, replace your new version

flush all caches

admin logout then login

goto manage customers

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 1201

Fur customer entity you need to create static attribute with the same name as field you created. For example, your sql installer can be something like this:

$installer->getConnection()->addColumn($installer->getTable('customer_entity'), 'is_active', "TINYINT(2)");

$installer->addAttribute('customer', 'is_active', array(
'label'         => 'Active',
'type'          => 'static',
'visible'       => 1,
'required'      => 0,
'position'      => 1,

If you need explanation of this you can debug saving process.

Upvotes: 5

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