Reputation: 143
I am using a tableView to take some surveys.
Header I use for a question. Footer for «back» and «next» buttons. And tableView cells for answer options. Now I started to have a problem, with some user interaction: when you simultaneously click on the “next” button and select an answer, the answer options cease to be active, nothing can be selected. Although the buttons remain active.
Tell me in what direction to look for the problem and how you can debug this problem in order to understand what's wrong.
It all started after fixing bugs, when the application crashed when simultaneously (or almost) pressing the "next" button and choosing an answer. Because the didSelectRowAt method worked after I changed the current array of answer options, and the selected index in the previous question turned out to be larger than the size of the array with the answers to the new question.
class AssessmentVC: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
var footer: FooterTableView?
var header: UIView?
var arrayAssessmnet = [AssessmentDM]()
var assessment: AssessmentDM!
var question: QuestionDM!
var viewSeperationHeader = UIView()
var arrayOptions: [Option]?
var countAssessment = 0
var numberAssessment = 0
var numberQuestion = 0
var countQuestion = 0
var numberQusttionForLabel = 1
var arrayQuestion = [QuestionDM]()
var arrayAnswers = [AnswerDM]()
var arrayEvents = [EventDM]()
override func viewDidLoad() {
//MARK: - settingAssessment()
private func settingAssessment() {
let id = self.assessment.serverId
arrayQuestion = QuestionDM.getQuestions(id: id)
assessmentName.text =
countQuestion = arrayQuestion.count
let day =
arrayAnswers = AnswerDM.getAnswers(idAssessment: id, day: day)
settingQuestion(eventType: .start)
//MARK: - settingQuestion()
private func settingQuestion(eventType: EventType? = nil) {
let prevQuestion = question
question = arrayQuestion[numberQuestion]
timeQuestion = 0
//first question
if numberQuestion == 0 && numberAssessment == 0 {
footer!.previousButton.isHidden = true
} else {
footer!.previousButton.isHidden = false
arrayOptions = [Option]()
let sortOption = question.options!.sorted {$0.numberOption < $1.numberOption}
for option in sortOption {
arrayOptions?.append(Option(label: option.label, value: option.value))
tableView.rowHeight = UITableView.automaticDimension
tableView.setContentOffset(.zero, animated: false)
//MARK: - heightTableView()
func heightTableView() {
//MARK: - UITableViewDataSource
extension AssessmentVC: UITableViewDataSource {
func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
return 1
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
viewSeperationHeader.isHidden = false
footer?.viewSeperationFooter.isHidden = false
tableView.separatorStyle = .singleLine
return question.options?.count ?? 0
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(forIndexPath: indexPath as IndexPath) as AnswerAssessmentCell
cell.initCell(text: arrayOptions![indexPath.row].label, value: arrayOptions![indexPath.row].value, arrayValue: arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response, isCheckbox: true)
return cell
//MARK: - UITableViewDelegate
extension AssessmentVC: UITableViewDelegate {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
isChangAnswerInAssessment = true
if question.answerType == "Radio" || question.answerType == "Checkbox"{
selectRadioOrChekbox(indexPath: indexPath)
//MARK: - selectRadioOrChekbox
extension AssessmentVC {
private func selectRadioOrChekbox(indexPath: IndexPath) {
if question.answerType == "Radio" {
let cells = tableView.visibleCells as! Array<AnswerAssessmentCell>
for cell in cells { = false
cell.isSelected = false
let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! AnswerAssessmentCell = true
cell.isSelected = true
if arrayOptions?.count ?? 0 > indexPath.row {
arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response = arrayOptions![indexPath.row].value
if question.answerType == "Checkbox" {
if arrayOptions?.count ?? 0 > indexPath.row {
//если нажато что-то, что должно сбросить "None"
// question.options![0].isSelect = false
let cells = tableView.visibleCells as! Array<AnswerAssessmentCell>
if cells[0].answerLabel.text == "None" {
cells[0].select = false
cells[0].isSelected = false
var array = arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response?.components(separatedBy: ";")
array?.removeAll { $0 == "0"}
if array?.count == 0 {
arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response = nil
} else {
arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response = array?.joined(separator: ";")
let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as! AnswerAssessmentCell = !
cell.isSelected =
arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response = array.joined(separator: ";")
if array.count == 0 {
arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response = nil
} else {
//MARK: - Navigation between questions
extension AssessmentVC {
func nextQuestion() {
numberQuestion += 1
numberQusttionForLabel += 1
settingQuestion(eventType: .next)
} else {
func previousQuestion() {
numberQusttionForLabel -= 1
settingQuestion(eventType: .previous)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 130
Reputation: 3219
Some snippets that can help you :
// Answer type : use enum . Here the Strong/Codable is if you want to
// save using JSON encoding/decoding
enum AnswerType: String, Codable {
case checkBox = "CheckBox"
case radio = "Radio"
Setup of your cell :
class AnswerAssessmentCell: UITableViewCell {
// work with Option type
func initCell(option: Option, response: String?, answerType: AnswerType) {
// setup cell contents (labels)
// check for selected status
switch answerType {
case .checkBox:
// check if option is in response
// set isSelected according
case .radio:
// check if option is response
// set isSelected according
In table view data source :
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! AnswerAssessmentCell
// Use the option to init the cell
// this will also set the selected state
let optionNumber = indexPath.row
cell.initCell(option: arrayOptions![optionNumber], response: arrayAnswers[numberQuestion].response, answerType: question.answerType)
return cell
In Table view delegate :
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
isChangAnswerInAssessment = true
let optionNumber = indexPath.row
switch question.answerType {
case .radio:
selectRadio(optionNumber: optionNumber)
case .checkBox:
selectCheckBox(optionNumber: optionNumber)
// Reload tableview to show changes
// Separate in 2 function for smaller functions
// in this function work only with model data, the reload data will do
// cell update
// only the footer view button cooler may need to be changed
private func selectRadio(optionNumber: Int) {
// Reset current response
// set response to optionNumber
// update footer button cooler if necessary
private func selectCheckBox(optionNumber: Int) {
// if option is in response
// remove option from response
// else
// add response to option
// update footer button cooler if necessary
Hope this can help you
Upvotes: 1