Reputation: 41
I'm trying to implement caching of a JSON API response with Room.
The response I get in JSON follows this data class structure:
data class ApiDataResponse(
val success: Boolean,
val message: String? = null,
val albums: List<AlbumResponse> = emptyList()
data class AlbumResponse(
val id: String,
val title: String,
val createdBy: String,
val enabled: Boolean,
val keywords: List<String>,
val pics: List<PicResponse>
data class PicResponse(
val picUrl: String,
val emojis: List<String>
is from kotlinx.serialization
library to parse the JSON response.ApiDataResponse
and only knows a "pure" version of AlbumResponse
called Album
and a "pure" version of PicResponse
called Pic
(by "pure" I mean a data class without external library annotations).So to implement this cache with Room I could discard the ApiDataResponse and save only the contents of AlbumResponse (and consequently PicResponse), having new data classes for Room entities
following this idea:
@Entity(tableName = "albums")
data class AlbumEntity(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)
val id: String,
val title: String,
val createdBy: String,
val enabled: Boolean,
val keywords: List<String>, // obstacle here
val pics: List<PicEntity> // obstacle here
// obstacle here
// @Entity
data class PicEntity(
val picUrl: String,
val emojis: List<String>
I already know how to save simple data in Room, with the simplest JSON I was able to do this task, the problem is that in this more complex scenario I have no idea how to achieve this goal. So I wish someone could guide me in this situation.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1600
Reputation: 3159
Maybe it's a little late, but I would still like to add some interesting information regarding MikeT's answer.
It is not necessary to create a new data class
just to transform a custom object into a JSON
with TypeConverter
, for example:
@Entity(tableName = "albums")
data class AlbumEntity(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)
val id: String,
val title: String,
val createdBy: String,
val enabled: Boolean,
val keywords: List<String>,
val pics: List<PicEntity> // can be converted directly
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
@Serializable // to be able to do the serialize with the kotlinx.serialization
data class PicEntity(
val picUrl: String,
val emojis: List<String>
With just these two data classes
we can build the TypeConverters
as follows:
import kotlinx.serialization.decodeFromString
import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
class DatabaseConverter {
private val json = Json
fun convertStringListToString(strings: List<String>): String =
fun convertStringToStringList(string: String): List<String> =
fun convertPicEntityListToString(picsEntity: List<PicEntity>): String =
fun convertStringToPicEntityList(string: String): List<PicEntity> =
Code to create an example dummy list:
object DummyAlbums {
fun createList(): List<AlbumEntity> = listOf(
id = "0001",
title = "Album AB",
createdBy = "Created by AB",
enabled = true,
keywords = listOf("ab"),
pics = dummyPics(albumId = "0001", size = 0)
id = "0002",
title = "Album CD",
createdBy = "Created by CD",
enabled = false,
keywords = listOf("cd", "c", "d"),
pics = dummyPics(albumId = "0002", size = 1)
id = "0003",
title = "Album EF",
createdBy = "Created by EF",
enabled = true,
keywords = listOf(),
pics = dummyPics(albumId = "0003", size = 2)
private fun dummyPics(
albumId: String,
size: Int
) = List(size = size) { index ->
picUrl = "$albumId/${index + 1}",
emojis = listOf(":)", "^^")
So we can have the following data in table:
I wanted to highlight this detail because maybe it can be important for someone to have a table with the cleanest data. And in even more specific cases, to have it clean, you can do the conversion manually using Kotlin
functions, such as joinToString()
, split()
, etc.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 56983
I believe the issue is with columns as lists.
What you could do is add the following classes so the Lists are embedded within a class:-
data class StringList(
val stringList: List<String>
data class PicEntityList(
val picEntityList: List<PicEntity>
and then change AlbumEntity
to use the above instead of the Lists, as per:-
@Entity(tableName = "albums")
data class AlbumEntity(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = false)
val id: String,
val title: String,
val createdBy: String,
val enabled: Boolean,
//val keywords: List<String>, // obstacle here
val keywords: StringList, /// now not an obstacle
//val pics: List<PicEntity> // obstacle here
val emojis: PicEntityList// now not an obstacle
To be able to store the "complex" (single object) you need to convert this so some TypeConverters e.g.
class RoomTypeConverters{
fun convertStringListToJSON(stringList: StringList): String = Gson().toJson(stringList)
fun convertJSONToStringList(json: String): StringList = Gson().fromJson(json,
fun convertPicEntityListToJSON(picEntityList: PicEntityList): String = Gson().toJson(picEntityList)
fun convertJSONToPicEntityList(json: String): PicEntityList = Gson().fromJson(json,
You then need to have the @TypeConverters
annotation to cover the appropriate scope (at the @Database level is the most scope). Note the plural rather than singular, they are different.
To demonstrate the above works, First some functions in an interface annotated with @Dao :-
interface AlbumDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(albumEntity: AlbumEntity): Long
@Query("SELECT * FROM albums")
fun getAllAlbums(): List<AlbumEntity>
Second an @Database annotated class (note the @TypeConverters annotation) :-
@Database(entities = [AlbumEntity::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getAlbumDao(): AlbumDao
companion object {
private var instance: TheDatabase?=null
fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
if (instance==null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,,"album.db")
return instance as TheDatabase
Third some activity code to actually do something (insert some Albums and then extract them writing the extracted data to the Log) :-
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var db: TheDatabase
lateinit var dao: AlbumDao
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAlbumDao()
"Album001", "The First Album","Fred",false,
PicEntity("PE001", listOf("emoji1","emoji2","emoji3")),
PicEntity("PE003", listOf("emoji20","emoji21"))
"Album002","This is the Second Album","Mary", true,
PicEntity("PE011", listOf("emoji30","emoji31")),
PicEntity("PE012", listOf("emoji1","emoji10","emoji20","emoji30"))
for (a in dao.getAllAlbums()) {
fun logAlbum(albumEntity: AlbumEntity) {
val keywords = StringBuilder()
for(s in albumEntity.keywords.stringList) {
val pelog = StringBuilder()
for (pe in albumEntity.emojis.picEntityList) {
pelog.append("\n\tURL is ${pe.picUrl}")
for (emoji in pe.emojis) {
pelog.append("\n\t\tEmoji is ${emoji}")
"Album id is ${} " +
"Title is ${albumEntity.title} " +
"CreateBy ${albumEntity.createdBy} " +
"Enabled=${albumEntity.enabled}. " +
"It has ${albumEntity.keywords.stringList.size} keywords. " +
"They are $keywords\n. " +
"It has ${albumEntity.emojis.picEntityList.size} emojis. " +
"They are ${pelog}"
When run then the log contains:-
D/ALBUMINFO: Album id is Album001 Title is The First Album CreateBy Fred Enabled=false. It has 3 keywords. They are
. It has 3 emojis. They are
URL is PE001
Emoji is emoji1
Emoji is emoji2
Emoji is emoji3
URL is PE002
Emoji is emoji10
URL is PE003
Emoji is emoji20
Emoji is emoji21
D/ALBUMINFO: Album id is Album002 Title is This is the Second Album CreateBy Mary Enabled=true. It has 5 keywords. They are
. It has 2 emojis. They are
URL is PE011
Emoji is emoji30
Emoji is emoji31
URL is PE012
Emoji is emoji1
Emoji is emoji10
Emoji is emoji20
Emoji is emoji30
The Albums table itself (via App Inspection) consists of :-
An Alternative, and from a Database perspective, better approach, instead of embedding lists as a single value (String), would have the lists as related tables (with a one-many or a many-many relationship).
Upvotes: 1