
Reputation: 59

Powershell getting the Contents of a Windows Word Table with PSWriteWord

I'm trying to access a table in a docx file with powershell. I tried using PSWriteWord to get the contents but it only shows me the whole unformated 'backround code' like this (see end).

Is there a way I can acces the table contents, so that I could use them to fill a diffrent table?

I'm trying to format a journal I'm getting from a tutor into a format I'm using in my own Journal respectively paste the contens of one table into another but automated.

Import-Module PSWriteWord

Get-WordTable -WordDocument (Get-WordDocument C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Journal_VU6-FIAE_KW11_14032022-20032022.docx) -TableID 0

Paragraphs            : {Normal, Normal, Normal, Normal...}
Pictures              : {}
Hyperlinks            : {}
RowCount              : 20
ColumnCount           : 5
Rows                  : {Xceed.Document.NET.Row, Xceed.Document.NET.Row, Xceed.Document.NET.Row, Xceed.Document.NET.Row...}
Alignment             : left
AutoFit               : Fixed
Design                : None
Index                 : 224
CustomTableDesignName : 
TableCaption          : 
TableDescription      : 
TableLook             : Xceed.Document.NET.TableLook
ColumnWidths          : {1346, 709, 4851, 1669...}
Xml                   : <w:tbl xmlns:w="">
                            <w:tblW w:w="9568" w:type="dxa" />
                              <w:top w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                              <w:left w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                              <w:bottom w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                              <w:right w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                              <w:insideH w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                              <w:insideV w:val="single" w:sz="4" w:space="0" w:color="auto" />
                            <w:tblLayout w:type="fixed" />
                              <w:left w:w="70" w:type="dxa" />
                              <w:right w:w="70" w:type="dxa" />
                            <w:tblLook w:val="0000" w:firstRow="0" w:lastRow="0" w:firstColumn="0" w:lastColumn="0" w:noHBand="0" w:noVBand="0" />
                            <w:gridCol w:w="1346" />
                            <w:gridCol w:w="709" />
                            <w:gridCol w:w="4851" />
                            <w:gridCol w:w="1669" />
                            <w:gridCol w:w="993" />
                          <w:tr w:rsidR="00B11417" w:rsidRPr="00761CEC" w:rsidTr="009C5764">
                              <w:cantSplit />
                              <w:trHeight w:hRule="exact" w:val="600" />
                                <w:tcW w:w="1346" w:type="dxa" />
                                <w:vMerge w:val="restart" />
                                <w:vAlign w:val="center" />
                              <w:p w:rsidR="00B11417" w:rsidRPr="00DB574D" w:rsidRDefault="00B11417">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                    <w:sz w:val="22" />
                                    <w:szCs w:val="22" />
                                <w:r w:rsidRPr="00DB574D">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                    <w:sz w:val="22" />
                                    <w:szCs w:val="22" />
                                <w:tcW w:w="709" w:type="dxa" />
                                <w:vAlign w:val="center" />
                              <w:p w:rsidR="00B11417" w:rsidRPr="00761CEC" w:rsidRDefault="00B11417">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                <w:r w:rsidRPr="00761CEC">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                <w:r w:rsidR="00252AB3" w:rsidRPr="00761CEC">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                <w:r w:rsidRPr="00761CEC">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                  <w:t xml:space="preserve"> UE</w:t>
                                <w:tcW w:w="4851" w:type="dxa" />
                                <w:vAlign w:val="center" />
                              <w:p w:rsidR="00A93021" w:rsidRDefault="00A93021" w:rsidP="00A93021">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                    <w:sz w:val="18" />
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                    <w:sz w:val="18" />
                                  <w:t>Begrüßung / Vorstellung</w:t>
                              <w:p w:rsidR="00B11417" w:rsidRPr="00761CEC" w:rsidRDefault="00807D31" w:rsidP="00A93021">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                <w:r w:rsidRPr="00A93021">
                                    <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial" />
                                    <w:sz w:val="18" />
                                  <w:t>Strom, Stromrichtung, Reihenschaltung, Parallelschaltung</w:t>
                            <w:tc> .... 

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Views: 1291

Answers (1)


Reputation: 61093

I don't have module PSWriteWord, but you could use the COM Word.Application object for this if you have Word installed.
Read the data from the table and create an in-memory CSV from that.

$filename = 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Journal_VU6-FIAE_KW11_14032022-20032022.docx'

$objWord = New-Object -ComObject Word.Application
$objWord.Visible = $false
$objDocument = $objWord.Documents.Open($filename)

$objTable = $objDocument.Tables.Item(1)
$maxCols  = $objTable.Columns.Count
$maxRows  = $objTable.Rows.Count

# read the data from each cell and join the cell values with a comma to create CSV format
$data = for ($row = 1; $row -le $maxRows; $row++) {
    $line = for ($col = 1; $col -le $maxCols; $col++) {
        # remove the `0D07` control characters Word adds and double all quotes in the field if applicable
        '"{0}"' -f ($objTable.Cell($row,$col).Range.Text -replace '\p{Cc}+' -replace '"', '""')
    $line -join ','

$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objDocument)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objTable)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objWord)

# finally convert the in-memory CSV data into an array of objects
$result = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv

Regex Unicode Category \p{Cc} means a character with the Unicode property “control” (an ASCII 0x00..0x1F or Latin-1 0x80..0x9F control character)

Upvotes: 1

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