Reputation: 146
I'm following this tutorial on how to use the compojure api and have run into a dead end with this exception:
lein ring server
2022-08-09 23:19:55.538:INFO::main: Logging initialized @921ms
WARN not found on classpath, compojure.api logging to console.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Map literal must contain an even number of forms, compiling:(ring_test/core.clj:16:16)
I have kept everything the same as the tutorial except changed my routes to a test route:
(ns ring-test.core
(:require [compojure.api.sweet :refer :all]
[ring.util.http-response :refer :all]))
(def app
{:ui "/"
:spec "swagger.json"
:data {:info {:tile "Test"}
:tags [{:name "api"}]}}
(context "/api" []
:tags ["api"]
(GET "/test" []
:body ["test"]
and updated some of the versions in project.clj
(defproject ring-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[metosin/compojure-api "2.0.0-alpha28"]]
:ring {:handler ring-test.core/app}
:profiles {:dev
{:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.5"]]
:dependencies [[javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"]]}})
If anyone could help me with this issue that would be awesome!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 96
Reputation: 478
In the tutorial, (context ...) is outside the map.
(def app
(api {:swagger
{:ui "/"
:spec "/swagger.json"
:data {:info {:title "Account Service"}
:tags [{:name "api"}]}}} ;; END-OF-MAP HERE
;; This from is _NOT_ in the map
(context "/api" []
:tags ["api"]
(POST "/account" []
:body [account (describe NewAccount "new account")]
(POST "/transfer" []
:body [transfer (describe NewTransfer "new transfer")]
The problem is in your version, you move (context ...) inside this map.
(def app
(api {:swagger {:ui "/"
:spec "swagger.json"
:data {:info {:tile "Test"}
:tags [{:name "api"}]}}
;; This from is in the map
(context "/api" []
:tags ["api"]
(GET "/test" []
:body ["test"]
You can fix this by moving (context ...) to outside the map as shown in the tutorial.
Upvotes: 0