Reputation: 1
I am trying to sample the parameter "beta" for a transmission dynamic model for COVID-19 (solved using ode in R), using the Metropolis Hastings Algorithm. I have first defined a function cBeta(x,a,b) to calculate the likelihood further in the metropolis hastings function (defined in the code below). My code is generating negative values of beta_store, and I am not sure why. Can someone please help? Thank you in advance.
library(deSolve) # package with functions to solve the model
library(reshape2) # package with functions to turn the model output into a long format
library(ggplot2) # package for plotting
library(plyr) # for rbind
#Initial number of people in each compartment of the model
initialvalues1<- c (U = 1 - (10^-5), # people uninfected or susceptible to COVID-19
E1 = 10^-5, # current number of people exposed
E2 = 0, # no one is recovered at the beginning of the simulation
A1 = 0,
A2 = 0,
P1 = 0,
P2 = 0,
S1 = 0,
S2 = 0,
R1 = 0,
R2 = 0,
J = 0,
N = 1)
parameters1 <- c(beta1 = 0.265, # transmission rate from symptomatic infection #0.268
beta2 = 0,
eeta = 0.275, # amongst those exposed, rate of developing infectiousness
psym = 0.495, # proportion developing symptoms
k = 0.83, # relative infectiousness of asymptomatic vs symptomatic infection
r = 1, # amongst those with pre-symptomatic infection, rate of developing symptoms
gamma = 0.2, # recovery rate
#w = 0, # per-capita rate at which post infection immunity wanes
m = 1, # connectivity matrix?
mu = 0.0029) # average morality rate for severe case
times1 <- seq(from = 1, to = 395, by = 1)
# Original Model
COVID_model_revised <- function(time, state, parameters) {
N <- U + E1 + E2 + A1 + A2 + P1 + P2 + S1 + S2 + R1 + R2
lambda1 <- m * (beta1* (S1 + (k* ( A1 + P1))))
lambda2 <- m * (beta2* (S2 + (k* ( A2 + P2))))
dU <- - (lambda1 + lambda2)*U
dE1 <- (lambda1*U) - (eeta*E1)
dE2 <- (lambda2*U) - (eeta*E2)
dA1 <- (eeta* (1-psym)*E1) - (gamma*A1)
dA2 <- (eeta*(1-psym)*E2) - (gamma*A2)
dP1 <- (eeta*psym*E1) - (r*P1)
dP2 <- (eeta*psym*E2) - (r*P2)
dS1 <- (r*P1) - ((gamma + mu)*S1)
dS2 <- (r*P2) - ((gamma + mu)*S2)
dR1 <- ((A1 + S1)*gamma)
dR2 <- ((A2 + S2)*gamma)
dJ <- (P1 + P2)*r
dN <- - (S1 + S2)*mu
return(list(c(dU, dE1, dE2, dA1, dA2, dP1, dP2, dS1,dS2, dR1, dR2, dJ,dN))) # Return the number of people in each
# compartment at each timestep in the same
# order as the input state variables.
} )
output_covid_new<, # Solving the differential equations using
times = times1, # the "ode" (Ordinary Differential Equations) algorithm.
func = COVID_model_revised,
parms = parameters1))
# daily incidence
AI_new1 <- diff (output_covid_new[,13])
output_covid_plot <- data.frame("time"=output_covid_new$time[1:394], "AI"= AI_new1)
plot(output_covid_plot$time,output_covid_plot$AI, xlab = "Days from introduction", ylab = "Daily Incidence per million of the population" )
# Metropolis Hastings
cBeta <- function(x,a,b)
return ( ifelse(x < 0, value <- -Inf, value <- lgamma(a + b) - lgamma(a) - lgamma(b) +
( (a-1)*lgamma(x) ) + ( (b-1)*lgamma(1-x) ) ) )
MH_first <- function (betasto0,t) # t is the number of steps taken
beta_store <- rep(0,t)
betasto0 <- beta_store[1]
sp_store <- rep(0,t)
for (i in 2:t)
beta_prop <- rnorm(1, mean = beta_store[i-1], sd = sqrt(0.01))
parameters_MH <- c(beta1 = beta_prop, # transmission rate from symptomatic infection #0.268
beta2 = 0,
eeta = 0.275, # amongst those exposed, rate of developing infectiousness
psym = 0.495, # proportion developing symptoms
k = 0.83, # relative infectiousness of asymptomatic vs symptomatic infection
r = 1, # amongst those with pre-symptomatic infection, rate of developing symptoms
gamma = 0.2, # recovery rate
m = 1,
mu = 0.0029) # average morality rate for severe case
times1 <- seq(from = 1, to = 395, by = 1)
# To sovle the COVID-19 model using ode
output_covid_MH <,
times = times1,
func = COVID_model_revised,
parms = parameters_MH))
# date of the max. value of symptomatic infection (S1) => seroprevalence peak (R1)
symp_peak <- which.max(output_covid_MH[,9])
sp_prop <- (output_covid_MH[symp_peak,11])
Y <- runif(1)
r <- exp( cBeta(sp_prop,159,2116) - cBeta(sp_store[i-1],159,2116) )
if (i == 2)
sp_store[i] <- sp_prop
beta_store[i] <- beta_prop
ifelse ( Y < r, sp_store[i] <- sp_prop, sp_store[i] <- sp_store[i - 1] )
ifelse ( Y < r, beta_store[i] <- beta_prop, beta_store[i] <- beta_store[i - 1] )
# calling the function
model_plot <- MH_first(0.26,10000)
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First, follow @GregorThomas's advice: don't use ifelse()
, change the decisions to something like this:
if( Y < r) {
sp_store[i] <- sp_prop
beta_store[i] <- beta_prop
} else {
sp_store[i] <- sp_store[i - 1]
beta_store[i] <- beta_store[i - 1]
Your Metropolis ratio doesn't look at beta
, it looks at sp
. You would reject any proposal that had a negative sp
, but not a proposal that had a negative beta
. So that explains why you are seeing negative values.
I don't know anything about your model, so I can't tell you if it is implemented correctly.
Upvotes: 2