Reputation: 37
I'm trying to link shape data field from external data like excel.
As @JohnGoldsmith suggested I used DropLinked but "I'm getting object name not found" error.
My main agenda is drop multiple shapes on drawing with shape data field "Name", then fill all the shape data field using external data in order. I also used spatial search for dropping shapes on drawing(Thanks to @Surrogate). By the way I'm using Visio Professional 2019.
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Views: 323
Reputation: 2698
It's often a good plan to separate chained members so you can identify whether (as @Paul points out) you're having a problem getting to the stencil or the master.
Following is a modified example of link shapes to data. I've ditched all of the spatial search stuff as I think that's a separate issue. If you still have trouble with that I would ask another question and narrow your sample code to not include the data linking part - ie just drop shapes and try and change their position. Bear in mind there's also Page.Layout
and Selection.Layout
I think you've got the adding the DataRecordsets in the other linked question, so this example makes the following assumptions:
Public Sub ModifiedDropLinked_Example()
Const RECORDSET_NAME = "AllNames"
Const COL_NAME = "Name"
Const MASTER_NAME = "Rectangle"
Dim vDoc As Visio.Document
Set vDoc = Application.ActiveDocument
Dim vPag As Visio.Page
Set vPag = Application.ActivePage
Dim vShp As Visio.Shape
Dim vMst As Visio.Master
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim xOffset As Double
Dim dataRowIDs() As Long
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim rowData As Variant
Dim recordset As Visio.DataRecordset
Dim recordsetCount As Integer
For Each recordset In vDoc.DataRecordsets
If recordset.Name = RECORDSET_NAME Then
dataRowIDs = recordset.GetDataRowIDs("")
xOffset = 2
x = 0
y = 2
Dim vStencil As Visio.Document
Set vStencil = TryFindDocument(STENCIL_NAME)
If Not vStencil Is Nothing Then
Set vMst = TryFindMaster(vStencil, MASTER_NAME)
If Not vMst Is Nothing Then
For row = LBound(dataRowIDs) + 1 To UBound(dataRowIDs) + 1
rowData = recordset.GetRowData(row)
For col = LBound(rowData) To UBound(rowData)
Set vShp = vPag.DropLinked(vMst, x + (xOffset * row), y, recordset.ID, row, False)
Debug.Print "Linked shape ID " & vShp.ID & " to row " & row & " (" & rowData(col) & ")"
Next col
Next row
Debug.Print "Unable to find master '" & MASTER_NAME & "'"
End If
Debug.Print "Unable to find stencil '" & STENCIL_NAME & "'"
End If
Debug.Print "Unable to find DataRecordset '" & RECORDSET_NAME & "'"
End If
End Sub
Private Function TryFindDocument(docName As String) As Visio.Document
Dim vDoc As Visio.Document
For Each vDoc In Application.Documents
If StrComp(vDoc.Name, docName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set TryFindDocument = vDoc
Exit Function
End If
Set TryFindDocument = Nothing
End Function
Private Function TryFindMaster(ByRef vDoc As Visio.Document, mstNameU As String) As Visio.Master
Dim vMst As Visio.Master
For Each vMst In vDoc.Masters
If StrComp(vMst.NameU, mstNameU, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Set TryFindMaster = vMst
Exit Function
End If
Set TryFindMaster = Nothing
End Function
The above code drops six shapes onto the page and adds a Shape Data row (Prop._VisDM_Name) with the corresponding data value. If you want the name text to appear in the shape then you would normally modify the master with an inserted field in the shape's text. (If you get stuck with this part then ask another question.)
One last point is that this example loops through the DataRecordset rows dropping a shape for each one, but there is also a Page.DropManyLinkedU
method that allows you to this en masse.
Upvotes: 1