Reputation: 3
I would like to create EC2 VMs with the following resource declaration using Terraform.
resource "aws_instance" "wurststand" {
for_each = toset(["bratwurst-01", "bratwurst-02", "bratwurst-03", "currywurst-01", "currywurst-02" , "hotdog-01"])
ami = "ami-0c9354388bb36c088"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
key_name = "wurststand"
tags = {
name = each.key
Now I need the public_ip addresses of all Bratwurst instances in one string. To create a group_vars file for ansible that fills a JINJA2 template again. How do I do this. I already tried to solder this with join but somehow Terraform doesn't like it.
The final result should look like this:,,
Thank you for your help.
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Views: 497
Reputation: 3
So this is my solution with which it does what I want.
resource "aws_instance" "wurststand" {
for_each = toset(["bratwurst-01", "bratwurst-02", "currywurst-01", "currywurst-02", "currywurst-03", "hotdog-01", "logstash-01"])
ami = "ami-0c9354388bb36c088"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
key_name = "wurststand"
tags = {
Name = each.key
resource "local_file" "inventory" {
content = templatefile("templates/inventory.tftpl", {
elastic = tomap({
for instance in aws_instance.wurststand:
instance.tags.Name => instance.public_ip
filename = format("%s/%s", abspath(path.root), "../ansible/inventory/inventory.cfg")
resource "local_file" "bratwurst_hosts_for_group_vars" {
content = templatefile("templates/bratwurst_groupvars.tftpl", {
hosts = join("\" , \"", [for i in aws_instance.wurststand: i.public_ip if contains("bratwurst", i.tags.Name)])
filename = format("%s/%s", abspath(path.root), "../ansible/group_vars/Bratwurst.yml")
Thanks a lot for your help.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 201138
You need to use a for expression to extract the list of IPs from the set of aws_instance
resources, and then pass that to join
join(", ", [for i in aws_instance.wurststand : i.private_ip])
Upvotes: 1